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    Meh. They’re just a couple of kids who like each other. But blue drinks? (looks like toilet water).

    Very disappointing to hear about Allison Mack.

    After I found out that the Frugal Gourmet was a pedophile, I never watched another TV Chef (and oh god, that Soda Fountain Episode...)

    Baldwin’s Trump is getting worse and worse. If I didn’t already know who he is playing, I wouldn’t have known. Melania is the one who squints.

    Someone who seems determined to punish anyone who mentions his name in a thread. I have read his posts. He still hasn’t gotten over a girl spurning him as a youth. He claims that he can only approve some parts of feminism. His support of feminism seems alot like pandering if you look at how he describes women in

    Apparently I have one now.

    After drinking the top part I would literally be unable to hold the bottom part.

    I can see why cups were so much smaller back then. Cooling. I can just pop my mega-mug into the microwave when it starts to cool.

    Ugh. I can’t even stand pizza dough on pizza. Why do people keep trying to make this a thing?

    This is Double-Plus BAD.

    We haven’t had a tree for years. There are some nice ones outside though.

    That is so nice of you! On the flip side, my Peri took 4 years - 4 horrendous, nightmarish years. I don’t think I would have stuck around, but her did, thank goodness. But if he had adopted a “taste” for girls or younger relatives..... oh dear. Couple’s counseling for sure.

    It’s a really hard call to make. When my dude went through his mid-life crisis, I literally did not recognize him (nor he me). I couldn’t believe the things he said and did. It took two years, but he came out of it better than ever: a better human, partner, and he became interested in the World beyond himself. He was

    Pfft. I would bet that you are very attractive. Seriously.

    Now I want to grind my teeth. It’s always YOU, not HIM :-[]

    Did he actually use the word “fuck?” If you have a Christmas meet-up with this particular family group, maybe you should skip this year? This is really disturbing, but at least you know what’s going on in his pervy head.

    Thank you. It really does make a difference when people talk and listen to each other, doesn’t it? Stay safe.

    OK. Sackhoff. Judging by the photo this MIGHT be Hermione’s Endless Bead Bag. But it is not, so this list is pure B.S. Maybe she carries SOME of these items some of the time, but not only wouldn’t it all fit: she would have to fortify it with a steel frame and carry it on her back.

    An oddly Trump-like mouth.

    At first glance I thought it said “fits my WEEDS” and was like “Sure. Why not?” Butter up that weed and you’ve got some terrific “Nog.”