
I had a friend who needed to always have a boyfriend because (get ready for this one) she couldn’t masturbate. No, really. That was her excuse: She couldn’t have an orgasm unless someone else was giving it to her, so she needed to have a boyfriend at all times so she could have sex and get off. We were in our mid- to

Yeah, right.


Less interesting than boring Kate and boring William? I agree that she’s boring but she’s more interesting than those two snoozefests.

Yet u clicked

This will be an unpopular opinion here, but Meghan Markle is the least interesting person in the royal family (or soon to be, anyways). I’m bored already.

Guy posts public comments, is shocked and angry to receive public replies. Labeling every comment pointing out your blatant troll feeding as “behavior policing” is an interesting reframe though.

Asking him not to involve you wasn’t the petty part. Screenshotting things to keep the conflict going was. You’re welcome.

I really thought the way they handled the very real possibility of Mueller being fired is emblematic of how off-base these Baldwin Trump sketches have felt all season. Trump firing Mueller would be an unprecedented constitutional crisis, and the joke here made it seem like the show doesn’t grasp the weight of it at

This is petty as hell. Just dismiss him and keep it moving. I don’t get why people here keep trying to give trolls fame and attention.

Yeah, well... I eat secret pervert symbology for breakfast!

I also put not-so-secret pervert symbology through the meat grinder, for later preparations. Or at least, I would like to.

Between this and Louis CK’s Cinnabon bit, I’m starting to think that cinnamon buns are some kind of secret pervert symbology.

This part of the story, never emphasized, always sticks in my rage cortex:

I’m a long time fan of Luke since 1977, (can’t get much longer than that), and read the comics and the books. Heck I reviewed the books and comics for my blog and I’m friends with a lot of the authors who wrote them. And I love how Luke was portrayed in Last Jedi. So you get to speak for yourself, not anybody else.

I went with my two grown sons last night (it’s a tradition) and after the movie we all turned to each other and pretty much said in unison, “Kylo lied about Rey’s parents.”

Oh the Jack and Jackie Kennedy stuff was pure nonsense and the showrunners should be ashamed of themselves for perpetrating it. Plus whoever styled the Jackie actress’s hair should be shot. Jackie wouldn’t have been caught dead in that rat’s nest of a hairstyle.

Children can also be targeted by neighbors, coaches, teachers and clergy. Parents need to pay close attention and really know what to look for (you’d be surprised at the number of parents who don’t know and only think they do), but they can’t keep their kids at home and isolated until they’re 18.

I gotta tell you, even after all these years and years, I’ve never gotten tired of Nixon’s downfall. I despised him so much.

Yes, but I think it needs to be said that while rape is sexual assault, many things besides rape are also sexual assault.

Ada Lovelace - invented computer programming