Violet_Blue of the North

This is exactly the kind of across-the-aisle bipetisanship this country needs!

Last winter my area got a super goat load of snow, and my huskey-german shepard mix did this in the huge snow drifts. It was hilarious. she was so jazzed about it, leaping through the deep snow.

And there are probably a few hundred doing 20 years for selling the devil weed. smh.

I think I just found my calling in life, trolling abortion clinic protesters. I will organize a huge group of the scariest, most tattoo-covered, most snarliest assholes I can find and stand around them with signs just like the guy above. I love “women’s rights experts ——>” LOL

Totally belongs in prison. Less than a year? For a violent rape involving a knife? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?

Also, just FYI for those of you outside ND (so, everyone), “gross sexual imposition” here is the umbrella charge for all sexual offenses. There are different levels of it, I believe, depending on the exact nature of the crime. Point is, that is a rape conviction, not a lesser charge (in case that’s confusing for

Exactly my reaction to this as well. One year?! You’re freaking kidding me?! Selling a bit of pot gets you more than that.

p.s., if we had any kind of journalists in the state, they might have made the whole sex registry connection, but no. Thanks, Jezebel for connecting the dots!

Thank you, Nik Severson! The problem with North Dakota politeness, is that we tend to ignore the crazy anti-choice protesters instead of counter-protesting. I absolutely love this guy’s campaign. And oh, wake up crazies: maybe you should feel a little more threatened by the rapist you’ve taken in on your side.

Your life and your experiences ARE NOT EVERYONE’S. Christ, how many times does this have to spelled out for you? I went to college. I work. I’ll be paying student loans till I die. Not everyone is in a position to be able to do so, and your ignorant, pigheaded refusal to accept ANYONE’S experiences as valid is truly

I know a fair number of poor people working those hours. Or working mostly nights while taking care of their children during the day. Which is working.

So worth it. It was a tough time, but I don’t regret it. I now have my dream job and it was that degree and the internship I ended up taking that did that for me. No regrets...although I am a bit sandwich phobic now.

Working hard is (often) a prerequisite to success. But it is not solely sufficient to success.

I also spent $250,000 on a high degree, worked long hours in the college library, and often work between 80 - 100 hours per week. I, personally, think I work pretty hard, and have worked hard.

Did I have privilege? Oh hell

Same with my mother. She fell asleep watching TV (no cable). So it was network TV or PBS. She didn’t have a cell phone until I was 20 years old (14 years ago). She prioritized making sure her children were fed decent food and wore clean (if a bit worn) clothing. Every single Saturday morning she was up at 0600

This. You have to change how people think about food - specifically how people think about eating healthy. A lot of people don’t grow up eating fruits and veggies on a regular basis or know how to cook a meal that doesn’t involve huge amounts of salt. And a lot of people are convinced that if they can’t afford Whole

But you don’t understand. ConLawHero is one of those “responsible” people without kids so he’s better and smarter and harder-working than all those losers with kids, you know?

When I was broke, I became really afraid to try new recipes because if they didn’t turn out, I’d still have to eat whatever I’d burned all week and resent the money wasted. That caution about new recipes has carried over into my middle class existence too. I just feel crushed when a recipe doesn’t turn out because it

Uhhh whut. My wife makes home made tortillas. It definitely doesn’t take her “minutes” to make home made tortillas out of Maseca.

I work in numerous school districts now (still making shit wages, but better than retail) and even rich school districts don’t have kitchens in them anymore for home ec. Poor schools? Forget about it. They can’t afford toilet paper all year, you think they can afford ingredients for kids to learn how to cook? Fuck

Cooking those things in a pot on the stove, rather than a pressure cooker, involves very high risk of them burning and being ruined. I found that out the hard way because like a lot of people, I was never taught to cook “real” food that was healthy, and had to learn myself.