Violet_Blue of the North

Dihydrogen’s most dangerous “chemical”...100% of users die...

OMG! I had never heard of awful!

Maybe labs...but yes, she loves her food! Her favorite thing is when my other 2 dogs get distracted by a toy or whatever and she can swoop in and steal their treats! But she is 11, so I figure at this point let her do what she wants!

I also have a pot bellied beagle! husband asked the same thing...”how the hell did Littlefinger get there so fast?”

When Summer died I legitimately yelled at my television Nooooooo! and then he got Hodor killed too? ugh...I can’t take it...if I were Ghost I would go hide somewhere north of the wall...things don’t look good for the remaining wolves. Also Bran is an idiot. That is all :-( (I may have an irrational attachment to a

Aw man...way to crush my dreams of a big payout for the Disney and Winnie the Pooh tapes from my son’s childhood that I haven’t been able to toss yet even though I haven’t owned a VCR for years.

Definitely want your shoes! No one wants bits of glass and rock and wood splinters in their feet! Of course last time I was in a hotel and the fire alarm went off I got dressed before I went outside too because I was not going outside with no shoes or proper clothing...and that is a big about keeping a spare

I thought everyone knew the chin thing? But my husband doesn’t do it either, although he said he was aware of its existence because he watched his grandma do it (my grandma taught me too...)...these little things we all assume everyone knows!

Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town...I am even more of a bum, I fold mine on the living room floor which means that my nice clean sheets are covered in dog hair before I even get them

What worries me is what happens if (god forbid) one of them dies? My parents had been married since they were 20, my mom had no real separate identity (dad did) and when he died suddenly at 59 she was at a totally loss...of course she just compensated by remaining WAY too involved in my younger siblings (adults) lives

After this thread I had to make myself cheese grits :-) So thanks!

Cheese grits...nom nom nom....

I am Canada adjacent...discovered grits last year...have become obsessed! So good!

so jealous. I work for state government and am in a salaried position that requires a masters. I went from leaving at 4 to leaving at 4:30 because they told us we can no longer work through our lunches or come in at 7:30...getting off at 4 was the best, it seems like such a little thing, but I got a lot of errands

She is :-) I just want to love all the animals...give them all to meeeeeee

Thank you. It was 20 years ago, so one would think I would be over it...I do have a wonderful dh now and a son who I have taught that the only consent is enthusiast consent, so I hope I have done some good for some other girl...

I would let my dogs eat me...couldn’t eat them...

I did that once too and will say I was heartened by how many people actually pulled me aside and asked how it happened (dh had nothing to do with it, I am just a clumsy idiot) it was nice to know that I have friends who would notice such a thing, but sad that other women (and men, and children) don’t...