Still Healing

haha! The young guys at my brother’s school eventually got replaced with morbidly obese ones.

My brother went to a public high school which had “resource officers.” He said they hired these guys that were barely in their 20s that only cared about getting in with the cool crowd and/or banging girls at the school.

Fuck this system. I just found out that the DA declined to bring charges against my ex and I am devastated. He literally admitted raping me to police, but because I didn't immediately break up with him and press charges, the DA won't go forward. I wish I never reported.

I am someone who was assaulted by an officer and didn’t report it. Happened in Philadelphia circa 2009, I was 21.

Anyone familiar with certain bar districts in Philly knows that south philly has some pretty dark areas and it was a weeknight and late so there weren’t loads of people boozing. To make it short, the cop

People with antisocial personality disorders are drawn to careers in law-enforcement.

And that’s just the ones somebody else with a badge had a grudge against.

I could name six officers from my hometown who have committed statutory rape, and that’s without thinking about it too hard. The examples I’m thinking of are 10 years old at least, and all are still employed. Some have been promoted to leadership roles.

I find rocks and trees to be pretty dependable.

So, they were _fired_, but never ever _prosecuted_?

Can someone just tell me ONE person/place/thing that I can truly trust? Because my cat is getting old and I’m not sure who I’m going to turn to after that.

“If my attorney said some shit like that I’d fire him.”

Since EvilTwinPerson keeps deleting my responses to his very obvious trolling, I'd like to take this opportunity to tell him (yes, very obviously him) to suck a bag of dicks.

I think he's used to women ignoring him because they are afraid. When you actually say something, they get REALLY surprised. Oh yeah, you forgot we were fucking people, didn't you! Ugh.

Why call the police for no reason? I agree there are situations where pursuing the dude would be too dangerous to risk but this was a busy street during the day, I might have weighed the risk/reward and made the same choice as her. Something has to be done about people like this, and she did not break any laws. I say

WTF? A judge should not act like extrajudicial punishment is not under the control of the justice system of which she is a part.

Not speaking to this judge, as I don't know her history. It is interesting though that a judge is protecting someone from the possibility of rape when actual folks who have been raped rarely see justice in a courtroom.

Remember when that Texas teen got off on drunk driving and killing four people because he had "affluenza"

CNN is reporting that Owen Labrie’s parents begged the judge for no time, saying that losing his Harvard acceptance was punishment enough. If you ever want to see how this level of entitlement, assholeness and shittery happens, look no further than the parents. I wish them the worst.

There is more than one way to lose a mom. /js

Surely rental mom will at least ask rental grandchildren of you.