Still Healing

And another random internet person fails to understand the error Bishop made. Wow, we really are terrible at assessing risk.

The fact that you don’t see the errors your first post made only underscores my point. The fact that you’re still making those same errors, and still not realizing it, continues to underscore my point.

It’s Spanish for The Niño.

Fun fact: you can sign up to be an organ donor online in some places. You just fill out a form with your identifying information, and they mail you a sticker to put on your license. It takes literally 5 minutes, and it’s not like you’re going to need your organs after you’re dead.

I’ve been on the registry for over 5 years, have not been contacted. They need people of color, like crazy need them on the registry.

Wow. Anyone else feel like a selfish jerk? Maybe this will finally push me to join the bone marrow registry.

There’s this idea that leaving the baby-mom is leaving the kids.

In all seriousness, I get irrationally angry every time I see him in one of those stupid “Hello friend” shirts. I think the worst is the “你好朋友” one, which forces me to think of both the trauma of having to learn Mandarin and Bill Cosby’s grossness. 肏你妈, asshole.

I’m so sorry you went through that.


I am ever so reluctant to pull this card, but having been a victim of sexual abuse myself along with my cousins, I just hate this piece of shit.with my entire soul. As a man I was not allowed to talk about it. I was called a liar by my own family as were my two women cousins. The horror never ends. It has permeated

Ruehli’s case means Cosby is currently fighting two defamation suits as well as pushing to keep a new deposition in the case of Judy Huth sealed.

I feel like if catching bank robbers or drug dealers relied heavily on testing DNA evidence, it would all have been tested like 25 years ago. Something tells me they would have found the money.

Yes. Let’s make sure and clear out the bullshit “drug-offenders” and make room for the serial sick fucks that don’t harm themselves BUT HARM OTHERS!!!

It depends on how the law is written. Many states (Michigan included I believe) don’t have a statute of limitations for serious sexual crimes (like rape). For less serious sexual crimes, the statute of limitations in many states (increasingly in response to situations like this) runs from the time that the perpetrator

It’s a lot easier to use the DNA you got from the kit than to play games with the accused’s lawyer to get a DNA sample from them. I don’t think it really works if you just ask them nicely, and you can’t legally just take it.

In the words of the wise Tina Fey:

Thank you Hillary. This is a story that makes me smile because the badass women are getting shit done. And makes me furious that it has taken badass women who can get shit done, to get shit done because all the fucking men who run shit found a way to get all the weed smokers in jail but not the fucking rapists.

I actually just said this to my dad the other day. Back when everyone was upset about the Patriot Act & listening in on our phone calls my dad routinely said “if they aren’t breaking the law, why do they care?”. Well he was bitching about how people record the police and now they’re scared to do their jobs my answer

a “case of herpes” ??? you mean you got herpes.... you don’t get to shake that one off...once you get it, you have it for life... Older lady I work with thinks it is no big thing to get cold sores - she says her grandpa had them bad and almost everyone in her family has had them..She is always touching and picking