Still Healing

I wasn’t commenting on the severity of the crime, at all; I was reacting to someone who was trying to use one piece of anecdata to generalize the experiences of all sexual abuse survivors. It seemed pretty clear to me that that poster thinks that “getting over” sexual abuse with “some therapy” is, like, a common thing.

Right, because all sexual abuse is the same...

“I think the focus is truly all wrong. Sexual assault needs to first be treated like we treat non-sexual assault, as a medical issue.”

Clearly you don’t care about facts. School administrative hearing have to follow the EXACT SAME standard of proof as the civil courts (preponderence of the evidence) and public schools have to follow due process proceedures. Expulsions are not “handed out lightly”.

“Since September 11th, planes cannot fly with bags on board that do not have their person on board also.”

But they’re also not it for any actual sex. It’s important to remember that and make that distinction. Straight women want pictures with the desnudas too, because they are selling entertainment and beauty and a strange tourist opportunity as much as titillation. It’s not much different than women are very different

Please stop reinforcing the sexualization of breasts. They were made for babies, not for boys. At this very moment, there are many cultures in Africa and Polynesia where women go topless and society goes on just fine. To them nice pair of breasts is at the same level as having shapely feet or sculpted arms and abs.

I have many friends that attended the 7 sisters colleges...and many of them were raped, some by men from partner schools, some by women, most by close friends and partners.

Just FYI, my college bans Greek orgs and yet has one of the highest rape rates in the nation...

I know multiple martial arts and how to use a variety of weapons, but none of it mattered when I was being raped while very ill.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I REALLYdon’t think that even makes a difference...all campuses have rapists; they just wear different outfits.