Still Healing

I'm also calling bullshit. For as long as I've been aware I've had genitals, my minora has tried to steal the spotlight from the majora. THERE ARE NO BIT PARTS WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR BITS

“a more youthful look”

Long labia haver here. I have never not once felt uncomfortable with my crotchal area in yoga pants. Literally everyone in my yoga class is packing a spandex burger. Doesn't matter.

giving a more youthful look

That’s what these people don’t understand. The schools are not punishing the crime of sexual assault. They are punishing the violation of student code due to a sexual assault. There is a difference. One is a criminal action with significant constitutional protections. The other is an administrative action based upon

You don’t understand innocent until proven guilty. That involves criminal prosecution through the state. Colleges enforcing their own rules is not that.

So what infractions CAN a university investigate? Should they be barred from expelling students for plagarism and smoking in the dorms until a criminal investigation takes place? Should WestPoint bring in the local cops to determine whether a cadet broke code by lying to an administrator?

Man are you kidding me with this sexist bullshit in these comments? Let’s all agree it is stupid to have unprotected sex with someone who has lied to you in the past about their sexual health/practices and given you an STI - it is CLEARLY fucking stupid - I don’t think anyone is denying that. But how is it not

It’s a horrible double standard when it comes to vices in Japan: cigarette smoking is the norm; public drunkenness is almost expected of you; and prostitution isn’t exactly being driven to extinction. But yet somehow drug USE is an afront to national/cultural reputation, not its seedy criminal distribution network.

“Expulsion has an extremely negative effect on a young person’s life...”

Rape has an extremely negative effect on a young person’s life as well. Setting up a ridiculously high burden of proof typically results in the victim having to leave the university to get away from the rapist who is free to stay and victimize someone else. You have to assume that most rape victims are false accusers.

Do you know how school investigations into sexual assault work? As in, have you ever been involved in one? Schools don’t issue punishment without extensive investigations. Interviews happen, in most cases lawyers are involved, assessments of character are made. From my experience, schools will find literally any cause

I had a friend tell me that she’s only been told twice in her life that pregnancy sucks - by me and another friend. She’s in her 30’s and has many friends with kids, and she had no clue how miserable pregnancy is. I think it’s good to talk about it, because thinking it’s a horrible experience may make some women feel

What a joke. Considering judges and juries famously empathize and side with rapists over their victims. Established rules of fairness? Do you even know anyone whose dealt with the justice system? From the cops to the juries, it’s a fucking joke. Yes, rape is a felony and should be taken a hell of a lot more seriously

Politics and logistics of prosecuting aside, sometimes reporting to an actual legal authority is just as demeaning or worse than reporting to a university-sanctioned public safety council. Speaking from experience, when you’re a college student engaging in collegiate activities that generally involve drinking,

Colleges investigate sexual assault with the most severe punishment only expulsion. So basically it’s administrative hearing. That’s significantly different that a criminal proceeding. Apples and Oranges, really. A university should have the right to expel anyone who they believe is a danger to the other students

It seems as though the Safe Campus Act is sort of like the Patriot Act in that the people pushing it really hope that lawmakers will make positive assumptions based on the name without actually reading or understanding it. It’s about stopping schools from punishing rapists, so opposition to it is a good thing!

I was a Lambda Chi some 30+ years ago, and am not really surprised. FYI, LXA was the first fraternity to prohibit hazing of new members. To underline the prohibition, they changed the term of a new member from “pledge” to “associate”. They’re one of the more progressive fraternities around.

The national conference (that's what Panhellenic is) for women apparently also supports making campus rapes hard to punish. Internalized misogyny for $1 billion, Alex.

I’m really hoping they start a trend here and we see these national organizations unravel. Only recently have I realized how much influence fraternities and sororities have outside of their schools, what with all these lobbying efforts.