Still Healing

A panel about dealing with online harassment was shut down due to online harassment?

This is still a thing? How is this still a thing?!

Is Gamergate still a thing? Can’t we just ignore it more til it goes away?

Um, no.

Well, the first one was “men only” so why not have it be all women? I don’t see how that’s so hard to understand, or even “contrived”. They are a group of buddies of the same gender. That is a thing that happens. It happened in the first movie and now it’s happening in the second one.

Twenty years from now, if someone tries to reboot the Hunger Games franchise

No, it is more like mad max fury road. The outcry goes way above and beyond just remaking a classic. It’s called misogyny.


(giant fart noise)

Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.

I think it was one of LaComtesse’s children that asked this year to go as a plum... God bless children

I don’t know, but just last week my co-workers were saying we needed to get a banana costume for the office, “just in case”.

Or how about....all rapists or attempted rapists (that we're reasonably certain of) have their faces revealed to the public, demographics be damned. That's a pretty good policy in my book.

When he’s the one missing his tongue, the “innocent until proven guilty” is only a matter for the courts.

He’s clearly the real victim here.

I would agree with you if this kid still had a tongue. But since the reason he doesn’t have a tongue is because a middle aged woman had to bite it off in self defense, I’m going to go with every human needs to know this kid’s face.

Waiting to feel a tongue SNAP under your teeth is so gross omg I can’t take it (not that he didn’t deserve it.)

That neighbor is a dipshit. He brought a knife to the party which shows premeditation. Plus knocking two times before attacking to make sure the scene was clear before. That’s not being mentally slow. That shows forethought in what he did.

An unidentified neighbor jumped to his defense, saying he isn't responsible for his actions. May as well have said boys will be boys. Give me a fucking break. He knew exactly what he was doing.