Still Healing

LESS THAN A YEAR IN PRISON?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

How the FUCK does that person wind up serving less than a year in jail? Jesus fucking Christ. Our country is FUCKED.

And he served less than a year in jail. For violently raping a family member. And now he stands outside of a women’s health clinic and menaces women.

It doesn’t have to be painful, it doesn’t have to be painful, it doesn’t have to be painful.
There is no good reason for sex to be painful (if that’s not what you want.) If it is, you can stop. You can communicate, you can try something else that is pleasurable.

Yeah. Like, intellectually, I understand that plea deals are supposedly good because they guarantee a conviction, but this one is just insulting to the victims. Any sex crime involving the words “foreign object” should get much more than 12 freaking months.

It doesn’t have to hurt! There should be no bleeding what-so-ever! It doesn’t have to suck!!!

Between 1988 and 1993, at least 6 different male coaches and teachers at my middle/high school (grades 7-12) had “inappropriate sexual relationships” (or, as the rest of the world would call it, “everything from sexual assault to statutory rape to forcible rape”) with at least 8 female students. Some of the girls were

Deities preserve this poor child

I’m surprised. Marlborough is an exclusive and wildly wealthy institution; if (likely, based on the school) white victims of privilege can’t get “justice” more just than this, who the hell can?

CORRECTION: The criminal justice system has complete contempt for women and children.

Either that or this judge probably has an issue with women that went on to have normal, healthy sex lives as adults and holds it against them as an indicator of their teenage selves.

I wish I had known that just because I wasn’t a virgin anymore did not mean I had to have sex with all of the guys I dated after the first one. I lost my virginity at 15 and I don’t regret it at all. However I do regret most of the sex I had in the following 8 or so years.

Women’s lives and bodies are bought very cheaply in our justice system. One of my high school teachers raped two students repeatedly over the course of two years. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison and served 10 months.

If anyone knows more about the culture of these two schools, please chime in. But, I find it interesting that two schools that are considered some of the most academically prestigious in the LA area ignored student complaints. The parents of these children are many of the powerbrokers in the entertainment industry. If

A year.

All the stars for “free space in rape apology bingo”.

guessing he’s queueing up the inevitable argument where he says he wasn’t convicted of rape-rape or real rape or whatever this year’s free space in rape apology bingo is called

One year. One year for knocking up a kid in his care, never mind all the others he didn’t knock up. Wow.

Given that you can’t impregnate someone with oral copulation or sexual penetration by a foreign object, I’d say he’s getting off pretty lightly.

If you think those are compliments, please do us all a favour and remove yourself from civilization.