Still Healing

I had a beloved tia who was an amazing impact on my life in almost very way... except that when i was a teen she would constantly pester me about my sexuality. No answer or non-answer was sufficient for her beyond coming out as gay, at a time when I wasn’t prepared to take on that label. She was so sure I was gay. “You

I would love to take this time to remind everyone to never pressure or force anyone to come out. People choose not to come out because they are at risk of losing friends, family, housing, employment, healthcare, and in quite a few cases (transgender people in particular) their physical safety.

It’s almost as if using sex for short-term physical pleasure seeking - instead of a unifying act based in a committed, loving relationship - is somehow unfulfilling

“Let me make some shit up so I can get mad about it” isn’t exactly the most inspired argument I’ve seen today. Fish around in the toilet bowl again, maybe you can bring up something better.

Agreed. This is such a complex issue, just saying “legal and free abortions!” or “better mental health care!” loses sight of how complex and multidimensional these cases are.

I have a friend who had never wanted kids and I tell her DON’T do it if you already know you don’t want to. It’s the hardest job in the fucking world even when you really want them like I did. I wouldn’t trade it for anything but it scares me to think about people taking care of babies they didn't/don't want.

Yikes. I remember a few nights where I was so stressed and tired that I could have thrown her out the window. Glad I don’t live in an apartment where that option is available at those moments. Thankfully, at those moments, I would put her in her cot and go outside for a few minutes to calm down.

Airplanes can fly with bags on board that the passengers on not on the flight, this happens ALL THE TIME. Get a grip. I worked in an airline and spent a LOT of time tracking bags for customers who checked bags but didn’t make the flight for some reason. Trust me. And stalling will only get them pissed off enough to

USAirways/American closed a jetway door when I was 10 feet away from it, and had clearly been running. I was also 5 months pregnant. Their 1st piece of advice was that I should’ve run faster.

Well, I mean I was on holiday, so they knew I was on a tourist visa. I imagine they just picked me at random. But yeah asking a family to consider leaving their 9 year old on the other side of a foreign country was pretty special.

i kiiiiinda feel like maybe airlines in other parts of the world actually believe that if their customers pay for a service, they should get a service, whereas over here, we believe that if customers pay for a service, they should get the bare minimum and maybe not even what they paid for and hey there, we made a

1) I grew up around there, I know how to get there.

A lot of European airlines seem to be a lot better than US ones. My mom loves Lufthansa and I flew on a Belgium airline and all the flight attendants were so nice and they gave us Belgium chocolate and the plane was very clean and relatively spacious.

Being nice didn’t work, but I’d been working in publicity and events for a few years at that point so I knew how to turn on the “don’t fuck with me” ‘tude. Honestly what turned it around for me was admitting to the customer service lady that, since my flight was cancelled, I had literally nothing better to do with my

to me the bottom line about every airline is that if you are flying coach, economy, they consider you less than dirt. If they could, they’d take out every coach seat, make passengers stand, and wear adult diapers so that they could also remove the toilets so that they could add more space to cram even more passengers,

The video is actually super convincing that they kicked her off to give somebody else her seat - he sits down IMMEDIATELY after she stands up and was standing there waiting to sit down the whole time as they’re kicking her off. I was about to buy a plane ticket today and just spent $50 more to fly Southwest instead of

Yeah, there was booing, and one guy told the flight attendant that the airline had just lost a lot of customers, so it seems like she wasn’t an asshole.

I find it extremely hard to believe someone would say that on a crowded plane. That sounds exactly the type of story one would make up in an attempt to make someone look bad. It just sounds super villain evil fake.

This is by who’s account? In every single experience I have had flying they would allow someone who needed assistance to board first. If that person shows up in the middle of the boarding process, they ask them to wait. I find it hard to believe, it sounds made up to get the most sympathy, if you ask me.

I hate the term “Meghan Trainor” and I think she should be banned.