
The makeup/lighting effects on Sith Rey are just absolutely BALLER. She looks genuinely terrifying!!

Willing to bet the movie is about Rey and Kylo setting their conflict aside to deal with Palpatine who usurps the first order from Kylo. they work together to defeat him, Kylo agrees to return with the remnant of the first order to wild space and the new new republic and the first order probably dubbed the new empire

My favorite aspect of the cult of Star Wars complainers is when they break down the impracticality of laser sword designs in a universe where apes and humanoid squid creatures can fly spaceships.

This was literally my first thought. When I remembered her cave vision, it clinched the fact that she's a clone.

$5 says its a dream/nightmare/vision, Rey going all “what if I go bad?”


God, he's really running to be the president of baby boomers only, and everyone else can get fucked.

For those of you who don’t know, haven’t noticed the links on this page, or didn’t read the bio at the bottom, Jason also wrote Dynastic, Bombastic, Fantastic: Reggie, Rollie, Catfish, and Charlie Finley’s Swingin’ A’s and it was a throughly entertaining and wonderful read. I despised the Dodger teams of this era,

“Hey boss, the guy who owns the local titty bar is here. He’s got a handgun. Should we let him in?”

To paraphrase the once amusing Dennis Miller, ‘ I haven’t seen security that slow since the Lee Harvey Oswald prison transfer’.

I can’t stand Barstool. Even without the controversies, the site is just extremely immature. But the sanctimony in this article is a little over the top when it comes from the website that literally bankrupted its entire company by posting a sex tape without consent.

Quietly accepting the unwritten rules of baseball is against the unwritten rules of baseball.

That’s a part of it, to be sure.

Saying you’re a libertarian these days simply means you want to go back to the days when the GOP was more covert about its racism and was smart enough to not say the silent part out loud.

Yes. That was before males wore their sisters’ clothes.

Everyone has always said that the Star Wars Universe is so vast and diverse with an infinite number of stories to tell.

Man, there’s just no getting around Dooku being a goofy f’ing name.

But Christopher Lee was the freaking man. To do spoken-word narration for a metal album about Charlemagne in his metal af. Sad he’s no longer with us.

Truly amazing that Geno took “women get asked insulting questions at press conferences” and turned it into “women’s basketball coaches get asked insulting questions at press conferences’.

SInce he wrapped himself in Jesus, it is either an affair and/or sexual assault.  Right out out of the Playbook man.  “I need more time with Jesus” is step one of like a 7 step plan.

I am replying to myself and my own article to let the record show that I am not racist since I wear white after Labor Day.