
Girl. No. This is a bad take and you should feel bad about it.

Simmons is arrogant and confrontational and easy to root against, but his takes on current events and world affairs are rock solid.

Barstool is trash, but you know what else is nearly as asinine? These petty inter-website feuds that just make everyone involved look like precious dickwipes. They position themselves as proud “un-PC” rebels who “tell it like it is” no matter whose feathers they ruffle, and Deadspin positions itself as the woke bros

We really need some leftists out there that don’t come off as angry kids 

Respected buggy whip manufacturer has a few concerns about automobiles

It was worse for me, cause I thought he was dissing the lead singer of Poison. But that’s Brett Michaels.

So Stephens took the high road and you wrote a bunch of emails that look like they could have been written by an angry 12 year-old, and you actually think that by writing this and copying those emails and publishing them, we’re going to take your side?

You can pry my bread and tortillas from my cold dead hands. Bury me in burritos.

Oh, this is some high-quality artisanal hate. A playoff series between these teams would be fun as hell.

Some deep cuts in there Topher. He also managed to work in that one deleted scene called The Last Jedi.

I kid. I’m actually a big TLJ defender.

Dude, don’t both-sides this shit, that full court press after the rebound absolutely warranted that pick - if not out of spite, out of necessity. Trevor Lawrence was pulling some extreme hardo Rudy Ruettiger shit and then gets pissy when someone counters it? It wasn’t even a hard pick!

I disagree. I never got the idea that living in a pretty normal (read crappy) apartment and driving a normal car to work at a job with little real purpose is cavier problems. Office Space still seems a lot like normal entry level jobs.

The frightening thing is that the idea that better off people deserve to be paid more because it’s what they’re used to really is how these assholes think. 

I’m sorry, I don’t see why Cole was given a 5 minute major for Interference.
The Cap player came speeding around another Avs player after losing the puck, on a direct course towards Cole, and then that Caps player put his stick up, parallel to the ice in order to crosscheck Cole right to his god damned face.

shame on folks for talking about ANY child like that; Blue is blossoming and beautiful

> ... he should know that shuttering the comment section isn’t a real solution to the problem...

As much as I love this website, articles like this make me feel like I’m rooting for the Cardinals. This website loves to cover other websites issues, while ignoring their own failures with the same problems (via parent company in this case) and all the time pretending that they’re doing ‘sports journalism-ism THE

Ah, if only someone - say, an occasional contributor to this site - had proposed this idea in 2016...

Voltaire said