
I like how people are freaking out about this with smart speakers and smart home devices when the smartphone they never have more than 2 feet away from them does EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

Regardless of how one feels about TLJ, I think we can all agree that KMT in no way deserved to be attacked the way she was. One can dislike a character without harassing their portrayer.

Disney’s biggest mistake with Han Solo was having it come out during the summer.

Has an obituary ever mentioned that a man got a vasectomy in his obt. Why is birth control even a topic for examination in a person’s obt?

This is so disrespectful to this woman.

Reaaallly gross move on the part of THR. It’s crazy to me that in 2018, during the incredible cultural awakening that is the #MeToo movement, THR ran an obit on an accomplished woman that reduces her to the role of the crazy ex, complete with salacious details about her sex life and presumed psychological

I’m so sad! I had coffee with Ms. Locke a few years ago to discuss a project. She was so lovely. Kind, smart, a little eccentric, but really a joy to spend a morning drinking coffee (she had tea) and talking about film. She was such a talented woman, both as an actress and filmmaker. She will be missed. 

I'm a fan of Amy Adams, but Lois Lane should have been Elizabeth Banks from day one.  

In news that should not shock anyone, Steelers fans are pure garbage.

That’s a start for me, right?

You’ve got some projection issues to work through if you created an account just to come on here and tell everyone how dumb and jealous they are.

“I don’t quite get it. Donner’s Superman is in no way iconic...”

And you’re completely and utterly wrong. Flawed, hell yes. But it’s nonetheless the best Superman movie ever made (number 2 is The Iron Giant). Granted that’s not hard to do given its awful initial sequels, the Singer dull reboot/sequel and completely an utterly wrong Murderman reboot, but to say that there’s nothing

You're wrong and calm down, it's just a promo pic.

“I happen to be on a bill that would say otherwise,” Sanford responded, adding that he and others feel extending birthright citizenship to a broad array of people “is not what the founding fathers intended.”

We also call it the Get Out of the Car, Get Back in the Car. But a lot of the times, it ends up being one of these:

Breaking: blogger gets very close, but ultimately fails to understand the difference between statements of opinion and statements of fact. 

Another hit story written by someone who knows absolutely nothing about the subject matter and comments from outraged idiots who also know nothing but what they’ve read from said no-nothings.

But making people feel stupid or tricked or attaching any other negative emotion to carrying out your civic duty feels like the wrong way to go about it.

“I wish Disney, a media company that has made billions of dollars making media that children consume, would understand that I, a grown up, would prefer to watch grown up shows.”