
I don’t think Rick is going to die. That is just too expected and while TWD has never been good at subtle, the writers and powers-that-be have to know that doing that would be bad for business.

Agreed. I thought his plotting was okay, and his writing style (at least in the Aftermath books) was terrible, but given that, his social media progressivism was the main thing I liked about the guy, and this is a shitty development.

But his writing just has too many short, punchy sentences. Like these. And the dialog

Jimmy’s a real Renassance Man, whose Basketball Diaries are well-documented. He once had a Fear of being a Traveller on Boogie Nights, but after The Big Hit when he met The Corruptor Mark Wahlberg, and along with Kevin James they began calling themselves the Three Kings. Once he rescued a bunch of dogs in The Yards,

La Croix is the Cardi B of seltzers.

This was American feminism in a nutshell. Black, Latinx, Asian, and Indigenous women ready progress and liberation being blocked from getting there by White women.

You from Philly too? I seen that jawn.

How to get sober in three easy steps:

So … people of color are not supposed to have feelings? Wypipo are supposed to be as racist as they want, and men are supposed to be as violent and sexist as they want – and POC are never supposed to react, never supposed to be upset, never supposed to take offense, no matter how horrible the offending behavior?

He did the same thing to me. Banned me because I called him out. Never insulting. Never hateful. I just called him out on some of his inconsistencies, and boom, ban. These editors are getting super touchy lately. I go through a burner every couple of days.

I would argue that you never stopped being casually cruel.  You just changed your targets to those acceptable to the people you currently associate with.

You should be ashamed of those jokes, they’re garbage.

I would appreciate if you didn’t just approve the comments applauding your efforts. Its pretty clear the kind of message you want these comments to portray in comparison with what is actually being said.

So Barry here is why this is problematic: you wrote these things 12 years ago. You just spent 4000 words fauning all over yourself taking about ‘how much you’ve grown up’ since this went down. You made a topical reference to Kavanough to throw the stink off yourself, and called it an article.

Leitch’s piece is just so silly to pretend he had no part in any of it. “The people writing for Barstool were the people writing in the comments section when I wrote about Holley Mangold

“Twelve years ago, I received no such feedback; in fact, it was the opposite—all those +1s. I was allowed and encouraged to be cruel, and so I was.”

I wrote the same thing in a forever grey comment, but we can't completely absolve Leitch (we can forgive him). He chose his friends and encouraged them. Maybe it was the only way the site would stay alive, but he approved all of it 

Did you mean to blame Leitch?  Because from everything I’ve read that he’s written, he is a kind and honest person.  My recollection is AJ Daulerio took the site to a much lower level.  Leitch was the straightman to legion of assholes.

Deadspin: “We Are Barely More Mature Than Barstool, And I Want My Jezebel Coworkers To Remember That”

Casual cruelty is still la lingua franca in these comments sections. 

Yeah, we were all idiots online in 2006. But honestly, the Barstool/Deadspin back and forth has been one of the most pathetic beefs of all time. Both sides have truly embarrassed themselves. I hope you both shut the fuck up.