
Counterpoint: the rest of the Star Wars universe without the Jedi just isn’t that interesting, has an extremely spotty track record in fiction with more lows than highs, doesn’t generate as much interest among fans, and could take place interchangeably in almost any space fantasy universe.

“Darth Maul, back on his bullshit...”

Counterpoint: she’s the best thing about the sequel trilogy.

Counter: people won't stop fucking asking about it, so we keep seeing quotes about it.

Jesus dude, they're lightsabers. They work however Filoni wants them to.

Clone Wars did a Seven Samurai episode

It’s up there as my fave Star War, my list is now
A New Hope
Rogue One
The Last Jedi (come at me bro)
Return of the Jedi
Force Awakens
Revenge of the Sith
Clone Wars
Attack of the Clones
Seagulls: Stop it now
Dark Forces Cinematics on youtube
Closing my eyes and remembering Star Tours
Phantom Menace

Re: ...the show kind of felt like a bunch of kids playing in a Star Wars sandbox...

One hour in and I’m all like just let Filoni and Favreau do all the Star War from now on.

I’ve also been a Star Wars fan all my life and I love TLJ so I dunno why you think Johnson was raising a middle finger to us.

Without getting played? You must not remember that Stephen Jackson played himself when playing hardball with the Spurs.

Jack Kent Cook blocked Baltimore from getting an NFL franchise for years.

If The Athletic wants a less-obvious way to prevent people from commenting they should just switch to Kinja.

1. That was really scary

This has not been said enough about Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is glorified salesman whose actual work and contribution is little more than a couple UI design ideas. And then he conned the rest of the world into thinking he actually made the whole fucking product and built up his cult because he’s was a fucking wackjob.

It’s about 12 pounds, you can throw it out the window if the relationship isn’t going so well,” Jobs said.

You’re telling me the guy who thought juicing could cure his cancer might’ve been a big dumbass outside of his fairly narrow window of interests?

Absolutely. People without children are denied the full range of the human experience.

“This young Guerrero Jr. is a star in the making, and Canadians have adopted them as their own. I propose we find an appropriate way to honor him, and I have a few ideas.”