
My in-laws go to Cape May, just south of Wildwood, for a few days each summer. The contrast between old-school Victorian seaside town in Cape May and the FUN FUN FUN YOU MUST HAVE FUN of Wildwood just up the beach is kind of fascinating.

I assume Philly pays better because beer is the lifeblood of the economy. $100,000 year selling beer is insane/amazing/everything America stands for. 

I’m good with every year, but only 6 months between Last Jedi and Solo was too quick.

The only thing I love more than water in my wine is shattered glass all over a slick shower floor.

Here’s a couple ways to spot an unmarked cop car.

If they bring in Supergirl and it’s not Melissa Benoist, I’m out.

Say what you will about the movies, Cavill was a good Superman given what he had to work with.

So is that the Supergirl equivalent of Wonder Woman’s motorcycle outfit?

Boy are you wrong,

I really hope this movie gets a second life upon home release. It really is pretty good, its a shame people slammed it before seeing it and because it wasn’t what they wanted instead of just giving it a chance.

Hitchbot got what he deserved.

The Steelers are the St Louis Cardinals of the NFL, right down to the dipshit yinzers that go on about their “way.”

I gave up Twitter about six months ago and it was the most liberating thing I’ve done in years.  Fuck that garbage heap.  It messed with your mind to a degree I feel like we’re just starting to comprehend as a society.  

I appreciate that one comment concentrated so many wrong opinions into one comment

Clone Wars is introduced - “What’s with the weird heads and that animation style?”

Revolution isn’t coming.  Because too many Americans envy these CEOs and think that they’ll either become one, or at least become the friend of one.  They’ll be tasting those sweet double-comma bonuses in no time. 

this a bit out of context. his comments were still odd, but he was talking about Acuna crowding in and leaning over the plate while also hitting 3 homers

I have a 12 year old. He is a really sweet kid and I absolutely adore him.