
This article was pretty spot on. No one seems to consume media (movies, TV, comics, etc) based on it’s own merits.

If you read the Isaacson biography of Jobs, you’d know how on brand this is for Apple.  

Kathleen Kennedy is a fine person and filmmaker, I’m sure, but she is no Kevin Feige.

You got a star from me simply for reminding people that the fucking EU sucked out loud. I’m 100% fine with new Star Wars mediums cherry picking ideas from the old EU, because they had some good ideas, but were mostly, those books were absolute gibberish.

If that’s your idea of an “extreme Jersey accent”, I’m going to guess you don’t know much about New Jersey. 

Not to spoil too much of the “Jedi Lost” book, but Dooku’s name is actually goofed on a bit by his good Jedi friend (whose name I won’t spoil) in their younger years.

Overall, I really liked this interpretation.

Sigh. If they just let Solo premiere at Christmas, like every recent Star Wars movie, it’d been fine.

I don’t think Palpatine is still alive. I’m guessing Kylo Ren uses Palpatine imagery to show he is the head of the First Order and presumed head of the galaxy.

Boo this, not that. It’s ok to boo here, but not here.

Did you just boogersplain me?  I think I was just boogersplained.  

This is so bad, I feel bad for the author for thinking this post was a good idea.  

You know the only people that root against Ben Simmons are Deadspin writers and Utah Jazz fans, right?

Only stopped in to comment how awesome and talented Danai Gurira is.  She deserves all the good things.  

It’s OK, Yinzers.  You’ll always have Primanti Brothers.  Enjoy having the Browns dunk on you for half a decade!

I think there are alot of fake tough guys in sports, but Steve Smith was never one of them. 

Two completely different players. McSorley had a better career completion pct, plus can make plays with his legs.  Furthermore, I think you’ll find Hackenberg’s numbers at Penn State fell off after Bill O’Brien left the program and they changed offensive systems.

Samer got emotional and embarrassed himself in this exchange and I can’t see it any other way.

Yes, by all means, fans should stop liking things.  This is a good take. 

I’d also like to add: