
Honestly, I don’t know what the fuck the author of this piece was trying to do.  This whole thing felt like one of my pop culture obsessed friends got coked up and couldn’t keep a coherent thought.  

The other dude was probably talking shit and, in the video, Lawrence misses a jumper....Lawrence was probably pissed about missing his shot and lost his temper when the dude tried to create room for the guy with the ball.

I’d surmise that Lawrence was more pissed that he missed that jumper in the very beginning that led to the sequence of the dude setting that sort of weak screen.  

Word.  I’d hate like hell to be that person that died of nothing.  

The optics on this are pretty bad on the surface. Plus, what Kuchar said afterwards (“For a guy who makes $200 a day, a $5,000 week is a really big week,”) is just a bad look all around.

Watching a movie with James Cameron would be insufferable.  He’s the ultimate “Well, actually” guy.  

This is too spot on.  Fuck this guy and his stupid blue cat movies.  

Crazy he hasn’t gotten a Peloton bike yet like most terrible rich people.

I loved capitalism because i was indoctrinated when I was a kid. I am a socialist now because I’ve lived a life and experienced how rigged our system is.

As a lapsed Catholic, who went to Catholic schools for most of his life, I can attest that this article is painful to read because it is pretty damned accurate.

It’s not a judgement he’s making. It’s a fact.

Google reading your email, Facebook.....It goes on and on.

I read the THR link before I read this post and my anger surpassed the anger in this post.  That was some disrespectful shit.  I already suspect Clint Eastwood was a gaping asshole, but this is pretty much proof the industry caters to that old asshole, even to this day. 

The really fucked up thing is, Solo was a good, well executed movie.  The timing of the movie’s release was borderline criminal.  

Saw it in the theater. Then, bought the movie and saw it at home. Then, saw it again on Netflix.

Elizabeth Banks would have been an amazing casting move for Lois Lane.  Hadn’t thought of her.  Good call!

The biggest problem for me is not necessarily losing the Skywalkers, but the notion that Star Wars (whatever you define that to even mean these days) is better without the Force and Force wielders.

I think it was taken down.  I watched it yesterday and wanted to recommend it to someone else and I noticed the link no longer worked.

Jabroni is good.  I was thinking doofus there.  I think it would flow better.  

Thank you for your service as this is the correct take.