
Gawker was good, but wasn’t nearly as important as folks here would like to believe.

When I heard him carefully rattle off his CV at the beginning of the video, I immediately thought that this guy is trying to save his own ass with his career.

This is cool, I guess. I’m just wondering why folks are raving over this, yet very likely whined when similar technology was used in Rogue One to bring back Tarkin and a younger Leia.

tl:dr: Everything and everyone is terrible and never enjoy anything.

Came here to express something similar. I don’t care for Disney’s firing of Chuck Wendig for the reason they fired him. It was wrong.

Isn’t Pablo Hidalgo’s entire job with LucasFilm predicated on making sure that books and novels DO NOT act in cross currents with regard to each other?

This is why dipping Oreos in milk is fine by me; they’re harder and more processed and somehow soak up less of the milk than a homemade chocolate chip cookie.

Came here to say this. White women saddled us with this administration and white women are continuing to put the hammer down with their bullshit.

I would love for this to be a live action Sabine Wren jawn. And while I still think it could be a woman wearing that armor, I’d be surprised if live action Sabine didn’t have her armor blinged out like she just ran a 5k color run.

O, cool.  Another opportunity for people who hated the movie but think their own fan fiction is pretty good to give their take. 

In my experience, libertarians are actually Republicans that want you to think they are cooler than they really are.  

You really shouldn’t take anything Scott Adams says or writes seriously.

I’ve actually been wanting to try going sober for a full month for awhile now.  I have friends that do it and they rave about the positive impact it has on you.  

whose fans are constantly trying to bring it to the national spotlight

I kinda liked Reloaded.

Hasn’t social media rendered the need for reunions obsolete?

“Paid protesters,” Ingraham chimed in.

I want to see this movie now because so many seem to not want to.  

I go to Cape May every summer for a week, but I still like going to the Wildwood boardwalk for one afternoon every summer. The differences between the 2 towns is jarring, but I enjoy the quirky griminess of Wildwood (which Dan captures well), if only for an afternoon.

Came here to make this point. I’m perfectly fine with 1 Star Wars movie per year. There was no need to premier Solo that soon after TLJ and The Avengers. It was a terrible decision and, unfortunately, I feel like Solo got unnecessarily buried for it.