
Joke’s on you.  IT guys can’t afford coke.  

Can’t help but think that was intentional, given that the time period in the SW universe that the movie takes place in was around the time that the Empire was at their most powerful.

As bad as the DCEU has been, we all sure pivoting towards the Berlantiverse is the right answer here?  

Came here to make this point.  She owns that role and anyone else they cast might suffer from the comparison as a result.  

The writing and direction did Henry Cavill a huge disservice. I absolutely “bought” Cavill as Superman. Cavill did about as well as you can expect, given the circumstances.

I’m sorry that you live in an area with such terrible sandwich options.  

Vulgar displays of power are kind of a Dark Side of the Force thing to do as far as I can tell from watching the movies.

The need to touch a total stranger’s hair is lost on me.  Same with weirdos who want to rub a pregnant woman’s belly.

I suspect it will.  I would be onboard with a sequel to this movie, as well, but we probably won’t be getting that.  Maybe a cartoon series?  

It was an obvious intimidation tactic.  Anyone who did not view that scene through an obtuse prism could discern that.  

100% agreed.

If you grew up here and you write for a living and can’t determine and articulate the answer for yourself, I wonder why you chose to be a writer.

I am typing this on my phone because this flaming hot take burned my work monitor.  My firm’s purchasing department will be contacting you shortly.  

People get so weirdly proprietary about the emails they get and how they get them and impose their weird social constructs (i.e.—”never CC me on an email”) and then whine when they get left off of some communication that they randomly cared about all of a sudden.

I can’t even imagine how many of my co-workers I’d punch if I had to see their stupid faces every single day for seven months at a time.

Fairly typical White Western Pennsylvanian tbqh

Made me remember what it was like to be proud of one of our leaders.  

The author trivialized the notion of “getting over it”. If the event was traumatic enough, you don’t “just get over it”. Getting over a traumatic event takes time and I’ve found it’s a process that can be healthy if done right.

Been saying this for years.  They are easily the football fan equivalent of BFiB and it’s not even close, right down to the insufferability and barely coded racism.  

It’s not that easy and I’m going to guess you don’t have kids.