
GMG excels at petty shit like this.  It’s really the only thing they do well these days.


C’mon, I know there is some dork out there reading this right now whining about the kid bunting and winning the game because HUURRRRR DURRRR NEVER BUNT.

I like how you tried to separate yourself from toxic Star Wars fans in one paragraph and pretty much revealing yourself to be one of them two paragraphs later.  

I’m just here for all the whataboutism from touchy Southerners.  

Such an original and brave take. 

Pate totally just wanted to sit there and hoped no one would notice or care. When someone did notice, she should have simply apologized and left. Instead, she smugly acted as if she was entitled to that seat.

Weird.  It’s almost as if QBs are paid that way because way more is asked of them than what is asked of a guy like Josh Norman.  Huh.  

Shhh, you’re ruining the narrative.  Opposing teams are just supposed to let this kid continue to feel comfortable at the plate and hit dongs.  

When Apple inevitably goes belly up, this will be the picture people will circulate to denote the tipping point.  

12 episodes were announced, but do we know what the running time per episode will be? If the running time is going to be just 22 minutes, then yes, the amount of ground they would have to cover would limit their storytelling options somewhat.

Star Wars, both the fans and the story tellers, needs to let it the fuck go with the Yuuzhan Vong and pretend it never happened.  The Yuuzhan Vong were a terrible, hacky concept.

Imagine how meaningful this would all be if Dez Bryant were still a good football player.

Meghan McCain should be happy a substantive, impressive woman like Soledad O’Brien even knows her name, let alone gave her free advice.

Thanks for this take, Edgelord.  

Eh. This is an exhausting take. I’m sure some people are racist assholes and applauded Hader for feeling like they do.

I think there is a lot of truth in what you are saying. I think they really tried to cater to that set of fans that grew up around the time of the OT and were disappointed by the Prequels almost if to say “See!!? We can get it right!”. I feel like Disney was trying a little too hard to outrun the legacy of the

Also.....”Dark Disciple”.  Assaj Ventress was one of the most compelling characters of “The Clone Wars”.  I demand more Assaj Ventress.  

Oh yeah. No goddamned doubt I’m paying for this.

Love that original scene from Rebels (seeing Vader’s face after she clips him and the look on Asohka’s face when she hears Vader say her name just kills me), but I didn’t know until this day that I needed that scene set to “Duel of the Fates”. That was well worth 5 minutes of my day!  I think “Duel of the Fates” makes