
You’re right. I’m all for judging women that do this just as harshly as we judge men just as soon as we stop espousing the magic and wonder of motherhood.

Can confirm your characterization: I’m actually familiar with the area. It’s in the Philly burbs and it is as white as you think it is.

I feel like the Solo movie left things open for a sequel. They could do a Boba Fett movie and have him have hunt down Han Solo doing smuggler stuff for Jabba the Hutt or something. Maybe even throw a bone to those of us that watched TCW and Rebels and give us a Honda Ohnaka sighting.

Did whoever is currently advising Bill Clinton really believe no one would ask him about Monica Lewinsky, given the current headlines?

My only problem with it was that when I bought it and used it, I was angry at myself for not getting one sooner. It was a game changer for me.

My only problem with it was that when I bought it and used it, I was angry at myself for not getting one sooner. It

Holy shit, I was about to tap my own caffeine fueled idea, but yours is WAY better than anything I was gonna crank out. This is perfect.

Nothing better when some dillhole compares they management consulting gig to the workplace of a professional athlete. How old are you?

The only thing more terrible than Delaware are commenters here defending Delaware.

That part of PA is squarely Trump country.

These are all good points. Kids responds when you actually talk to them like human beings and I would add that these tips are good for adults who do not profess to feel awkward talking to kids. Most people simply don’t know how to talk to kids.

Are they going to kill him or just have him splinter off from the group now that Carl is dead and he’s just raising Shane’s daughter?

This movie was perfectly fine. It was a good Star Wars movie, by any measure and I was glad to have ignored much of the scuttlebutt written about this movie. Alden Ehrenreich was perfectly fine as Han Solo and Donald Glover was charming af.

The only reasonable take on this article.

Much like his goose stepping followers, he is ignorant of history and completely devoid of empathy.

“I have a following made up in large part by young girls.”

This entire article is a bad look for a blog that is a Drew Magary 2-week notice away from becoming irrelevant.

If you’re trying to court PFT to come work for GMG and save Deadspin, this is a funny way to go about it.

No, it is not.

Because no one cares, man. No one cares.

I’m a divorced dad, so when my son was little, he’d ask to go to Chuck E. Cheese and we would go once in a while, but the noise there and the games that spit tickets and watching my son take FOR-EV-ER to pick out prizes whose value never rose to what you put out for playing the games, made me try to encourage other