
I guess I’m struggling with this notion that, somehow, we can’t do without these social networks. I’m glad for this effort to spread awareness for what companies likes Facebook can do to abuse your data, but, really, at the end of the day, each person needs to do their own cost-benefit analysis as to whether

Garrett is 100% right. Baez is constantly preening, which is fine, but you can’t act like a baby when someone gets one on you.

I’m not a big lawn guy, but I admit, I read the first few sentences thinking “fuck this guy”.

The fact that he said it in Texas, a loud and proud open carry state, won’t be popular, for sure.

So, someone from the “Government is Too Big” set is literally calling for more government?

Nah, fuck that guy.

Brave, new world we are in when the tween girl who asked the question is the one that comes off as the most mature actor in this situation.

I can certainly envision a casino in a given state taking action on a state championship game or something at that level. Maybe not a regular game in January or whatever, but a state championship level game would almost certainly garner gambling interest.

Yeah, but I hear he never pays for drugs.

100% correct.

If I’m paying $5 for a hot dog from a food truck, it’d be better a Chicago style hotdog and everything that comes with it.

Completely agree. I just see a bunch overgrown man babies clutching their copies of old EU books and rocking back and forth in the basement muttering something about “Mary Sue”.

Kinda? I mean, Howard has been Oscar nominated twice for best director and won once. Pictures he’s been involved in have been nominated for Best Picture twice and won once.

Did you really refer to Ron Howard as a “competent journeyman”?

Super edgy stuff.

You’ll always have the far less interesting stories of the old EU with a far less interesting Luke Skywalker to assuage your disappointment.

I would love to be a fly on the wall when a news organization discusses the merits of hiring Rick Reilly.

No matter how much of the (mostly terrible) EU is brought back, it will never be enough for a certain segment of Star Wars fans.

I really feel like Deadspin is a Drew Magary departure away from completely collapsing onto itself. I’m not sure I’d visit Deadspin if Drew stopped writing there.

This is the like a poorly written, tone deaf version of the “Why I Quit Tobacco” letter that Don Draper wrote.