
Cool story, Sully

I was thinking that the Tesla fanboys sound more like Steve Jobs era Apple fanboys.

Peter King is way better than commenters here give him credit for.

As long as a Canadian broadcasting company employs Don Cherry, America Jr. needs to STFU about shitty announcers and take-havers.

Dude, stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Letang has been a low key dirty player for years.

I’m sure the Best Fans in Football will find a way to spin this as being part of the “STILLER WAY”

You are 100% correct. Camden Catholic pulls kids from all over South Jersey.

The idea that anyone can co-exist on OKC along with Russell Westbrook is laughable.

Mock drafts are really no dumber than posts about “Name of the Year”.

Yes, it is.

Eh, you must be a blast to hang out with. You’re not looking for a bar to drink in. You are looking for a library that’s on tap.

James Cameron is just so fucking tiresome. Make you damned Blue Cat movies and STFU already.

Can’t wait for the Deadspin takes when the Sixers win the East. I’m sure the backpedaling and passive aggressiveness will be magical.

Cool Basketball choreography? You’re trolling, right?

I think if we’ve learned anything in the past 5 years or so, it’s that most, if not all, stand up comedians are terrible people off stage.

This post is the “Let’s Remember Some Guys” of blogging.

Way more interested in your upcoming post on Markelle Fultz’ triple double from last night, as Fultz will actually last more than a few games in the playoffs this year.

Or they might simply claim that it was a illogical, incoherent mess with multiple major plot holes and that it ignored in universe lore that had been established in prior movies .

If you are trying to introduce your kid to Star Wars, it is fine and probably correct to start with IV, V, and VI, but the truth is, my son found it far easier to relate to I, II, and III, along with the Clone Wars cartoon series.