Vince Yim

Well this is a little progress towards the eventual, distant goal of Black Lotus being worth more than sporps cards. Baseball is boring as fuck. 

Call me a cynic, but I fully expect these assholes to all land on their feet eventually, because the world is unfair and annoyingly kind to mediocre white people.

Taylor Swift is a better person than I am. I would’ve released it in retaliation for inflicting “Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime” upon the world.

This is weird. On one hand I do find modern cancel culture to be excessive and overreactive. And on the other hand racist jokes are shitty and unnecessary. But on the third unexpected why the fuck do I have three hands hand, who the dick wrote that line and thought “huh huh...I made a funny”?

It might not be that widespread in wider communities, but as a minority myself, if you heard that as a kid, it’s definitely something that lingers, and can still sting in adulthood.

lol I know right. I live in Canada and while our parental leave rules are a bit crap, men do have rights for parental leave. If you get money is another story as it’s shared between you and the mother but still... It amazes me how backwards the US is sometimes. It’s hard to tell the difference between it and some poor

Just because it seems necessary given a few responses here:

Microsoft had banned the name “Karen” on Xbox. It was apparently an accident though, and Microsoft unbanned the name after it was made aware of the issue.”

True story: I tried to use bassbeast for my Nintendo ID when setting up my Wii U, and it was getting flagged as inappropriate. I use this on XBL, PSN and other sites, so I didn’t know why. I called into their support line and they didn’t know either. We tested all manner of words that we thought might set off the

Why do we assume the food goes uneaten?

I applaud the AV Club stance on this!


NTA: We know, per Vasquez, that Gorman was always the asshole.

If he becomes Daisy’s love interest, he dies. Them’s the rules

pull every Police Academy from the shelves.

To be fair, it’s a really fucking cool toy company. At least their products are cool. I don't want to look it up and find out the inventor was a pedophile or something.

Well, the lights aren’t on in the LEGO White House, so that’s a very accurate representation. 

In fairness to Rose shooting Batwoman involves predominantly long night shoots, in winter in Vancouver which can’t be much fun.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else.