Vince Yim

The New Testament states that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. But in a submersible vessel implosion, I think that the camel’s pulverized remains can now fit through the eye of said needle.

As it is “Cancel Culture” is hardly exclusive to the right, and it’s not even new. Colin Kaepernick got blackballed from the NFL for taking a knee, The Dixie Chicks took a massive career hit after denouncing the war in Iraq, heck, the Beatles got cancelled after they were quoted out of context when they said they were

Now playing

I admit that it can often be pretty crass, and there are some really bad offenders (I, Robot, all the recent James Bond films, pretty much all of Michael Bay’s filmography), but when we’re constantly being bombarded with logos and brands in real life, it makes some sense that they would be products used by characters

They handled the issue a lot more tastefully in the Spider-Island crossover storyline when MJ was delayed from gaining spider-powers due to the many times that she and Peter Parker “shared a toothbrush”.

“It sucked!"

The word you’re looking for is aesthetic. Anesthetic is what they use in the operating room.

I’m a dude in my 40s and I’m looking forward to seeing this. WITH MY DAUGHTER.

Is it entirely fair to refer to Android: Netrunner as a failure when it was discontinued due to the ending of the license with Wizards of the Coast? The terms of the licensing agreement haven’t been made public, but given the large number of reasons why licensing agreements end, it isn’t necessarily due to low sales. 

There was a Friends episode where he makes similar disparaging comments regarding improv and dialogue, and in retribution, the show writers kill his character by having him fall down an elevator shaft.


“Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?"

If you only shit once every three days, you might want to up your fiber intake.

People have died using these things, and it doesn't look like this was even a proper foam pit.

You mean Awesome Andy!

Back when I was fresh out of film school, and wanted to learn more about film theory while pursuing a career in the industry, I was very willing to sit through movies I wasn’t enjoying, or even bad movies, but that’s not where I’m at now. If I’m not deriving any value from it, there are better uses of my time.

Can someone please explain the appeal of Woody Allen? His stuff comes up a lot in film studies classes, film critics gush over his work, and actors want to work with him, but I tried watching Annie Hall and gave up after 30 minutes.

Best part was when they were counting the maximum number of allowable thrusts in a sex scene to qualify for an R rating.

Wondering how much modification will be needed so it can house a Raspberry Pi with an emulator so you can actually play Atari games on it. So much of the internals of a complex Lego build aren’t going to be seen when the piece goes on display, so I’m thinking it’s doable.

Isn’t it also a practice to put the premium outside of the bag? It does remove the fun of having the little trinket show up when pouring yourself a bowl, but it also means not having to root around the cereal bag to look for it.

Smarties, and not M&Ms! Are you from a commonwealth nation?