Vince Yim

Yeah, but can’t you use a block of ice as a bludgeoning weapon?

Mental health is a global problem. Frequent mass shootings and the proliferation of guns are American problems.

I’m guessing it’s because Better Luck Tomorrow wasn’t picked up for distribution until doing the festival circuit. 

After reading this, it just occurred to me that when my wife bought me a pair of Adidas workout pants, she actually bought me the women’s size due to the fact that it can’t fit a wallet and a modern smartphone in its pockets.

Depends on the celeb, I suppose. And the story is different if it happens to be a really attractive female celeb. Like, say, if I happened to be on the receiving end of Scarlet Johannson a legs-wrapped-around-the-head takedown, it wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to fight back. And if my wife asks, I will have “hated

Actually, Jim Parsons is in legitimately good shape. A video of him pushing a 725 lb weight sled did the rounds early last year.

And just a general reminder to everyone: freedom of speech only protects you from legal prosecution for what you say, regardless of how horrible your message is. What it does not protect you from is consequence, like causing people to sever business ties (employment, advertising dollars), nor is anyone obligated to

Aw, man. Sounds awfully familiar. My collection spans 4th edition to Tempest, then Scars of Mirrodin to Battle for Zendikar. Some of my cards are worth money, but since most of my cards were acquired through opening packs instead of buying singles, the bulk of my collection is bulk commons, uncommons, and rares that I

Aw, man. Sounds awfully familiar. My collection spans 4th edition to Tempest, then Scars of Mirrodin to Battle for Zendikar. Some of my cards are worth money, but since most of my cards were acquired through opening packs instead of buying singles, the bulk of my collection is bulk commons, uncommons, and rares that I

There’s also formats like Pauper and Peasant, which only allow commons and commons/uncommons (respectively), as long as it has been printed in a set as a common at any point in Magic history, although you generally see this more in MtG online rather than in-stores.

Wasn’t that because of reprinting of allied fetch lands from Onslaught? The enemy colour fetch lands from Zendikar went up stupidly fast.

So if the second amendment was intended to allow the citizens to fight back against a tyrannical US government, when innocent people are murdered in mass shootings, is it accurate to call them collateral damage in a war that, as of this point, is entirely theoretical?

The Two Guys from Andromeda launched a Kickstarter for a spiritual successor, SpaceVenture. It was announced in 2012 and was supposed to have dropped in 2013, but family and personal issues caused a lot of delays. They haven’t even recorded voices for it yet.

The Two Guys from Andromeda launched a Kickstarter for a spiritual successor, SpaceVenture. It was announced in 2012 and was supposed to have dropped in 2013, but family and personal issues caused a lot of delays. They haven’t even recorded voices for it yet.

Calling him a piece of shit is an insult to manure and fertiliser.

I still have my copy of I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action. I remember enjoying the book at the time...powered through it over the course of a couple of bus rides, and it was a good light read, but yeah, pretty fluffy and not very deep.

Pretty sure you were being facetious there, but you’re illustrating a valid point. Researchers are throwing valuable resources at (dis)proving the MMR/autism link and are still not finding the link, and we’re no closer to finding the actual cause of autism.

Attempting to argue against anti-vaxxers is exhausting, even in the light of multiple, MULTIPLE facts.

It’s less William Gibson and more Max Barry.

In Canada, I end up paying close to $5 CDN for a 4L jug of homogenized milk (or “whole milk”, as you call it...that’s approximately 1.05 US Gal). Under current exchange rates, that runs about $3.85 USD. Considering that a gallon of milk goes anywhere from $3.16-$3.50 in the US, it’s not really that much more expensive