My favourite long take from John Woo’s Hard-Boiled.
My favourite long take from John Woo’s Hard-Boiled.
Freedom of speech and expression is working exactly as intended. The writer isn’t in jail for it. And, there have been swift consequences.
Just once, I’d like to hear a newsworthy individual actually admit that they’re racist.
If you can choose between being single and lonely, and attached and miserable, take being single and lonely. It leaves fewer scars and you have more freedom to change your situation.
Between the way the NFL is handling concussions/CTE, the Washington Redskins controversy, domestic abuse scandals, and now anthem protests, it’s not particularly making me want to take an interest in anything the NFL puts out.
Super magnets to suck up the guns actually sounds like a great idea until someone makes guns and ammunition out of materials that aren’t reactive to magnets.
“You killed him?”
“No, I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him.”
90 replies and no Fight Club reference?
As much as I really want to like this, if we do this, we run the risks of forgetting the lessons of history, plus it turns them into martyrs.
You could say that about most other martial arts, actually. If you treat a self-defence situation as you would if you were in your martial arts studio, you are not likely to win.
Coulson’s impatience with the menu options and picking option 2 when he could’ve waited a couple of seconds and picked the more appropriate option 3 was hilarious. Considering how he handled the holo-table in S1, that shouldn’t be a surprise.
There’s a good chance that she’s a victim in all of this too (just speculation on my part). Not that this makes any of this right by any means.
I was referring to that one, actually. While New Gods has had an impact, it’s not on the same level of household names like Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Iron Man, and the Hulk.
You’re right, it does.
Just gonna toss this out there. Yes, Jack Kirby deserved a lot better than he got from Marvel and from Stan Lee. Yes, Stan Lee gets more creator recognition than Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, and it’s mostly due to how much he whores out to the media. But I’m going to point out that the characters created Jack Kirby and…
I don’t have time to read these days, but I’m going on a flight next month, which will grant me about 20 hours to do so. Read the book first or binge the show first?
Canadian here. I had an emergency appendectomy back in October. Had to do it all in two trips: first a trip to the ER to get my initial diagnosis and get pumped full of pain killers, the second to get a CT scan, wait about 10 hours for my last meal to finish digesting, then under the knife I went. They even let me…
Aw, man. I had all of the issues of the series and sold them when comic book stores were still buying back issues. I remember being particularly annoyed when Joe Madureira abruptly quit the series, which had some of the best art in the business, but some pretty mediocre writing. If my 8-year old PC (and 4-year old…
Happened when TSR was acquired by WotC back in 1997. WotC was later acquired by Hasbro two years later, FYI.
As much as I love the guy’s work, and recognize that he is certainly entitled to his opinion, everyone else is equally entitled to figuratively nail him to a tree for it. I mean, didn’t his short-lived series Dark Angel also do more than its fair share of male-gaze pandering?