Oops, you might be right...I actually heard the same thing.
Oops, you might be right...I actually heard the same thing.
On an emotional level, I’m with you. This guy is the lowest form of human stain ever to use oxygen, and I would very much like for him to die in the slowest, most painful and excruciating manner possible. BUT, pragmatically and logically, it doesn’t work for several reasons.
I was juuuuust about to post that. Thank you.
Nope. It’s also known as the “fig sign”.
The “got your nose” gesture (a fist with the thumb between the middle and third fingers) is the equivalent of the middle finger in certain cultures (Turkish and Slavic, formerly Japan and Italy). Also, “Fucking” is a small town in Austria and some cultures consider burping after a meal a sign of respect for the chef.…
Planeswalkers were introduced during the Lowryn block. It’s somewhat like a Legendary permanent, meaning you can only control one Planeswalker TYPE at a time (hence, if you have Jace, The Mind Sculptor in play and you cast Jace, Memory Adept, as per the game rules, you must sacrifice one of them). When it comes into…
“And you look like a bucket of shit!”
I’m just going to toss this out there, and please feel free to disagree. Religion is a means to an end. If you use it to live a more moral and spiritual existence, get yourself off drugs and alcohol, give your life meaning, and just be a better person, go for it. If you use it to justify hatred, violence, and…
Read up on your history of the Cambodia genocide under the Khmer Rouge regime. Under Pol Pot, their brand of anti-intellectualism saw anyone with an education, spoke a foreign language, and people that wore glasses as an enemy of the state, to be apprehended, tortured, and executed. It can get worse. #RESIST!
I am completely convinced that people who voted for Trump specifically wanted to watch the country burn to the ground.
Yup, me too. Especially with starting a new hobby. I was interested in altering Magic: the Gathering cards, which necessitated the purchase of art pens and a desk-mounted magnifying glass. Both sit unused as I really don’t have time to pursue that right now.
I dunno, I’m listening to their album Wild in the Streets and it ain’t half-bad.
It’s like McDonald’s and Nickelback. “Everyone” allegedly hates them, yet they’re immensely profitable and somehow popular.
In the early ‘80s a ton of pervy text adventures were on the market, but Softporn Adventure stands head and shoulders above the rest because of its amazing cover image of a Burt Bacharach-esque butler standing half-submerged in a hot tub with a bunch of naked ladies.
No love for Clairity’s “Don’t Panic” (originally by Coldplay)?
I’m from Vancouver. We got fucking snow here. I was well aware of the forecasts, but I didn’t bother with snow tires because it snows so seldom nowadays it didn’t seem worth the effort. I couldn’t make it out of my complex so I ended up bussing it to work.
Most people are predicting impeachment, but I’m predicting heart attack.
“Unglued” actually. Unglued was the first of the novelty joke non-tournament legal sets, although some of the cards are pretty valuable, like the full-art basic lands.