
I dunno about this article.
A guy, the writer Bob, who has a Bachelor of Science from Syracuse and who’s worked in the automotive-print-media for about 8 years is trying to tell me HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO RESEARCH + decipher tech-auto parts???
(yes, I did 2 seconds of research on Bob)

I really don’t know why I visit this site anymore, just to drive up engagement by commenting on shitty articles like this. I’ve become part of the problem. Later, bitches!

Literally SECONDS of Googling tells you what the thing is and what it does:

Seriously? You didn’t know that many cars have this lane change tap function? Shame! As for the self-cancelling signals on a motorcycle, my 1986 Honda VFR had that yet none of my newer bikes (2001,2007, 2012 Hondas, Ducatis and BMWs) did.

I realize you are just picking up the headlines from other news sources, but to call this “Two Delta flights collided while taxiing at Miami International Airport” is a bit extreme.

A lot of assumptions to unpack in your comment. 

I shamefully use Reddit from time to time and felt like I was drowning in the saliva of teenage boys who were eager to have an imperfect woman be the target of their rage.

I would have hoped that this furthered the MeToo movement, since it basically showed either women can be abusers, too/men can be abused, too (which I thought Terry Crews’ account would have proved, but no one seems to mention that anymore...), or it showed that not every case is as black and white as we want it to be.

My dad used to abuse my mom, I grew up with the physical, mental, and psychological abuse in my household. And hearing Amber in those audio recordings has only made it clear in my mind that she was the aggressor and abuser. For that reason, I understand the hate towards her. But the point that needs to be made clear

She got caught repeatedly lying and only one person admitted to ever hurting the other. She had no evidence that he laid a hand on her, and she recorded him A LOT.

I understand how it may feel for victims of domestic abuse to watch this defamation trial and see how it ended. However, to equate the results of this particular trial with erasing the progress that has since been made from Gamergate and the Me Too movement is absurd.

She is vilified not because she is ‘not perfect’ or that because she ‘misspoke because it was painful’, but because it was proven that she has repeatedly lied and manipulated many people around her. And, what is even more important, it was clearly shown before the court that she abused him as well. For crying out

Why would they announce this before building (and hiding) it?

Don’t start your replies with “uh”, it just makes you seem like an asshole. And yes, it is. It’s absence from the skies has not been missed, and it was only in occasional use even before. It is a vanity symbol, and if Ukraine needs one (it doesn’t) then it should at least design and manufacture a more modern aircraft.

They’d be better off taking that money and buying military and humanitarian supplies. $800 million on a limited use vanity plane is not good value for money. If they insist on having something, they’d still be better off going back to the drawing board and designing a modern airframe from the start again.

This article didn’t load as a slideshow! Huzzah! Whatever you did to avoid the gaze of the overlords, keep doing it!

The love for cars and driving just isn’t there with the new crop.  Quite the opposite, in many cases.  A weird attitude for someone who wants to work at a car enthusiast website.

I know that felt like a blow to a lot of readers.

so, a bridge that isn’t used for anything other than decoration is being partially disassembled for 1 day at no expense to the taxpayer, and in fact probably have to pay a hefty permit fee on top of the cost of partially disassembling and reassembling the bridge.  given that local labor will do the work, it is a net

Shadow vessel? Call this what it is - the man is creating his own fleet.