
I’d like to give a big fuck you to the asshole customers who berated my fiance today during this crap. Not her fault Target’s system got fucked and you couldn’t buy your bullshit as quickly as usual.

Dead ringer for the mid to late 90s livery of TWA planes.

I don’t get why anyone says it anyway. Just let the word die.

I’m in one of those KC Auto Show pics. Interesting.

There is a third scenario where they tried to obtain the video, which multiple reporters are reporting (though how valid or legitimate those are is always dependent on your feelings on if that particular journalist is truthful or a NFL mouthpiece), were rebuffed, and since the NFL nor the Chiefs are a legal body with


And I as well....where does this friend live...

Pretty nuts this hasn’t been fixed. Not that it really matters in the Arby’s eating world we live in, but still.

The best play of the game came on that 3rd and 5, with 3:13 left on the clock and the Chargers not yet in Broncos territory.

But...he did catch the ball, at least it’s in his glove when he’s going down across the railing into the seats. That other ball fell out of the green bag there.

What of Harrenha?

I’m still waiting on the Jurassic Park III/In the Mouth of Madness mashup.

Where’s the Stone Cold/JR edit?

Most zord and megazord battles took place in the city, luckily the buildings were all made out of exploding cardboard.

Does it bother anyone else when people refer to someone as signing with a team when in fact they were traded to that team?

Also, I look forward to your article on banning Lucky Charms.

There was a new Hellraiser movie that came out in the last month or so.

There really is a tweet for everything.

As the son of an airline employee who has been chided by gate agents because I was wearing black tennis shoes because my dress shoes no longer fit and not let on the plane, thank you for reminding people of this. I remember when that story hit and basically anybody who said this was told they were sexist.

This isn’t nearly as egregious as some of the others but I don’t get to tell this one much so whatever. I was 17, a week or two out from high school graduation and on my way to meet some friends, and as it turned out about 20 or 30 others from my graduating class, to see a midnight showing of Spiderman 3 (mistake #1).