
Jason keep in mind that Experian (and R.L. Polk, owner of CarFax) are only obtaining registration data on cars with the SAE/NHTSA standardized 17-digit VIN format. This was mandated for 1981 Model Year cars, although I have seen a few 1980's using it also.

People Who Annoy You

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 100 times. Screw you Erik. 

...its a car. Like any other car. It does car take people places they want to go.

These things aren’t exactly that special. They built a ton of them and there are plenty of $60k+ cars that get parked in airport lots.

From the Halloween (2018) slide: “Halloween H20, which was also the last time we saw Jamie Lee Curtis” This straight up isn’t true. She was in the very next film, Halloween Resurrection.

Cop Appears To Plant Evidence During Totally Worth-It Traffic Stop

While the explanation seems to be legit, the optics are real bad.

Only a handful of pro teams have moved in the last 20yrs, and there is 0 chance CLE will move. They have been there for over a century. 

You really couldn't be more wrong on basically all fronts there buddy.

People like sports. It’s even important to some people. Most of the teams have individual principal owners and don’t randomly move around. The exceptions, especially when teams move are a big deal when they happen. The team was founded in Cleveland over 100 years ago. 

To be fair, I’m not sure there’s been a standard issue interstate overpass built -- South, North, East or West -- that can survive this kind of hit without taking at least some damage.

Set up a huge party just off the coast - invite you-tubers, tik-tok stars, social influencers. Roaring 20’s excess! Loud music, beaming laser lights to the heavens, helicopters ferrying in guests, jet boats, booze flowing - then torpedo the fucker.  I’d watch. 

it’s easy to present this as some kind of individual moral failing, but doing so actually allows it to continue. It’s not a personal failing, it’s what our society tells us to do. This is capitalism, baby. Consider: a better lawyer costs more money. Everyone knows rich people can get away with more. The long and short

It’s very apparent that she’s using her “influencer status” to actually get these trades. I doubt a lot of people would be willing to make these trades in day-to-day life. 

Can you imagine your employer just dropping you in the middle of nowhere because it’s better for the books? (Of course you can, capitalism doesn’t care about you or anyone else.)“

While that’s a somewhat amusing (albeit a bit tired) joke for Americans, I’m sure the US and its political insanity was the farthest thing from the dude’s mind when he was sitting in the dark all night or swimming to shore to get food, shower, and charge his phone in Friggin’ Egypt. lol. The rest of the world doesn’t

Is it the same Amazon from these articles?

Is it the same Amazon from these articles?

So this won’t be popular but screw it. It was wrong for him to date girls under 18. He should have been punished for it, and it’s a shame he wasn’t. However, this just doesn’t have the same creepy vibe that Michael Jackson or Jimmy Saville had.

You do a great disservice to the Chrysler designers responsible for the styling of the vehicle, people like Brian Nielander and Jeff Gale, when you imply that Chrysler's net input was to slap a badge on the ME412. The Germans did not do the styling. It was done at Chrysler's Pacifica Design Center, which the Germans