
Rey could have been their Han and Leia’s younger daughter who had also been sent off to train with Luke. Ben does his dark side thing but she actually survives, Luke drops her off on Jakku away from all that and Han and Leia believe that she was killed by the Knights. Hence why they don’t immediately suspect her of

Glad I’m not the only one who had this thought line.

To be fair, Kansas City proper has a population that low, but the metro area around it probably has that many people there.

He really wanted to leave an impact on his bosses.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be the end of Lee Judge, cartoonist turned baseball writer who only listens to Jason Kendall and would fit right in with the BFIB. I hope his ass gets canned for this.


Figured by your mention of video board and the age you mentioned that you were somewhere in my relative age range and for you to be 17 at that time (presumably 9-10 years ago) there would have only been one name change since your story occured. Guess I was wrong on that aspect. But yes I am aware that they underwent

Actually only one name change

That’s one spaceship-shaped dick if y’all think it’s a dick.

Weird, saw a post earlier where Alcides Escobar did a very similar play yesterday and everyone was ragging on it as some kind of everyday thing. The author even seemed to hate that SportsCenter wasted time on showing him “throw the dick off the ball.” Weird how that works out.

The only worthwhile thing Erin Andrews did tonight.

That amount was in line with the percentage of votes that are thrown out every year, and it wasn’t like all the votes were thrown out at once, they were thrown out over the course of the voting. But places, like Deadspin, Bleacher Report, etc., just reported that number and went with it.

And he still died, no justice for Imperial generals.

Doesn’t fit the narrative.

But he sure is trying to smother his readership.

Here’s one that lists out all the armors and descriptions of a good bunch of them.

Circling the drain, they are.

If you don’t like it, vote. Simple as that. Sorry that for once that when my team has good players and made it to the World Series that the fan base wants to show their support before it all goes down the shitter again. Never seemed to be a problem when some Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers players made it when they no where

More Fetishy Astronema? Like that’s a problem?