
I did. And of course I totally hung out with him in college.

(No, I missed him by a year or two.)

GoDaddy employee complaining about Paypal, that’s funny.

Not surprised to read that Jim Joyce and his crew are at the heart of it. Seems like whenever it’s a true umpire shit show, he or his officiating crew are involved.

I know how sex works. Left, right, rotate 32 degrees, engage rotor.

Can we not be amazed by his achievements despite the losing of his team? Must every amazing thing he does occur in a winning game?

“Let’s get down to brass tacks, how much for Uncle Sal?”

Have Saturdays become the day on Deadspin to make white males feel bad for the fact they were born as white males?

All good, though now I kind of wish for an AdBlock on Xbox

I didn’t think there was Adblock for Xbox. I’ve got it on my browser though.

That figure is the best figure ever made, if only for that face.

I refuse to watch it just due to the fact it has one of the most annoying ads that plays in front of every youtube video I watch on my Xbox. Though having two MST3K alum makes me waiver on that a bit.

That thing is beautiful. I gotta have it.

At least I did until I saw its price on eBay. Maybe some day.

I never played it, but I think there were Spartans in it, but I defer to whomever knows better. But Halo Wars was more of a strategy game, a lot like how the original Halo was supposed to be.

That was Halo Wars.

Why does every single thing have to be about someone’s race? Isn’t the whole point that we shouldn’t be paying attention to their skin color?

You’re going for the low hanging dingleberries on that one.

So uh, where’s his suspension for cussing out a guy?

Go ahead and ignore the fact that Eaton was jawing at Ventura as he went down the baseline, and the fact Sale hit Moustakas in the head (waaaay closer than it ever got to Lawrie) the inning before, and just make the Royals out as the bad guys.

Though Ventura needs to calm his ass down, he’s too emotional on the mound.

According to MLB that’s the head area and he should get the same 5 game suspension that Herrera got for the Royals.