
The Kinja-verse regularly shills for Under Armour, whose CEO is a Trump supporter and spends the money he makes donating to republicans. Jezebel especially, and you personally, have posted articles promoting Coachella, whose owner turns around and spends the money he makes donating to anti-LGBT causes. What’s the

Absolutely right!  

Yeah, but really? I don’t really need to know this shite about people’s personal lives. If people are too stupid to deal with real issues rather than resorting to the Inquirer to help form their judgments than maybe humanity has a bigger problem than billionaire worship.  

Under no circumstance is it ever okay to invade the privacy of any persons’ personal lives as long as no laws are being broken and no one is being harmed. Jeffo can dick it up with any consenting adult he wants and should be free from prying eyes, judgement or shame. Also, it’s just dick pics, not a big deal in the

I’d argue that anything making these fools look like the fools they are is useful. Elon’s whole Azelia Banks kerfuffle helped bring him closer to earth in many people’s estimation. America has a wealth worship problem. People assume that “earning” billionaire status is a symbol of meritorious achievement, and they

We do not need to know this. Consenting adults make a mess of their personal lives everyday. Jeff Bezos decimates unions and exploits his workers. Amazon leaves a trail of housing and transportation problems in communities and they get major tax breaks for that privilege. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and New York

I don’t understand. Why do we care exactly what Bezos was texting to his girlfriend? There’s nothing illegal happening, is there? He’s not a giant hypocrite talking about family values and then screwing teenagers, is he? So why do I give a shit?

Alexa is Satan’s messenger.

The White Feminism going on in the comments is disappointing but I’m not surprised. Jessica is always talking about diversity but she doesn’t put her money where her mouth is. She has been tone deaf often on this issue. And quite frankly her calling out the lack of diversity was only after a bunch of black women on

I can kinda see how that would make sense.

Let’s start a female led “Die Hard” rumor. Because nothing is sacred, fellas.

I’ve yet to see anyone crop up as a serial sexual harasser/abuser in Hollywood where I didn’t also think, “well, DUH, have you read this person’s interviews/stories of working with them?” The Val Kilmer one was the antithesis of shocking.

Eat some ass, Josh. It probably won’t make you live longer, but at least you won’t be online.

She’s a good actress who made the common mistake of being a woman in Hollywood who’s aged.

Even with her mental health/substance abuse issues, Courtney Love behaves a lot better than a lot of men in Hollywood.

I think that the real lesson here is that old white men should probably not say things in public.

We’re all just so proud of you for being so frugal.

Or some overly zealous caretaker told her that’s what happened. I.e. what happened to her got filtered through other people until it turned into “tore her diaphragm” and she truly believes that’s what happened because that’s what she was told. (Or she had surgery and we didn’t get to hear about that part of the

I think you’d see more working out if people realized that fidelity is just as crucial (and lies just as damaging) in that kind of relationship.

Had an open relationship a long time ago, and while I had no issue with her having more partners, we did have a disagreement about her willingness to help other men cheat on

I type this knowing full well their clothes were mocked in a previous thread: I watch this on Netflix the way other women watch Scandal and previously, SATC. I’m pretty much just drooling over the clothes.