
Her dress is fucking everything.

I would bang him like a screen door in a hurricane. And now, back to my classy, housewifey self.

Pardon me while I take absolutely zero advice from this asshole.

That's a bunch of celebrities I had no clue are celebrities

Ran out of time; this was the best I could do with your composite request.

So while I am not a six-figure-salary earner, I was the family's sole breadwinner while my husband was a SAHD (because otherwise his salary would have gone almost exclusively to childcare costs) for 2 years. He hated his job before LPC was born, and wanted to train for a new career, so he quit his job and became a

I want to buy her a drink.

Gross. Who cuddles like that?!

Why the hell does any human use twitter?

I have a habit of making all of my friends watch "All That Jazz" with me. You know, as a true friendship test.

That movie blew my 14 yo self's mind. Love everything about it! It's exclusion from this list is depressing.

Yes to everything and a hearty "FUCK YEAH!" to All That Jazz!!!

All that Jazz is amazing

Preach it! Apostrophes are like guns, dogs, and children: If you can't control them, you shouldn't be allowed to have them.

Can someone hack his phone/computer and tack away his apostrophe key? For the good of America.

So, Dr. Zahi Hawass is the Pyramid Nazi?

I just lost my mr. lenny dog on Saturday, he was 17. Man it hurts.

Oh the tears... We lost our 15 y.o. black lab about 7 months ago. I miss her every day.

I just clicked through to her site...full on cryfest over here, thanks!