
Damn it, that attitude is fucking dangerous. Hillary is not safe. She has not been elected. The polls are uncomfortably close, and encouraging people to pull this morally pure shit plays right into Donald’s teeny hands.

Now that this story is public, he’ll never ketchup in the polls.

That she co-starred on Gossip Girl?

I was in there three days ago (visiting from Seattle) and almost all the people volunteering there were black, and the vast majority of the rest were people of color. I saw only a couple of white faces. So, yes. Sorry to ruin your snarky “question”, but the answer is an emphatic yes.

Here’s some shit Jezebel didn’t

Well, I wish her a happy retirement from the public eye, then. I can’t imagine having that kind of vituperation heaped on my family for 8 long years and then going back for more.

Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

I gasped. I forget that 15 is still a child. I’m trying to picture a girl TWO YEARS YOUNGER than this girl, being grilled on the stand by the defense.

go fuck yourself

1) Joke about WNBA being unpopular
2) Joke about how there are so many ESPNs
3) Joke is an overused reference to a movie from more than five years ago

Congrats, you are now a drive-time sports radio host. Please pick up your bottle of spray tanner and wrap-around sunglasses at the front desk.

Presumably, if you’re busy now, you’ll also be busy throughout the summer/any given weekend.

Even though Trevor Noah probably didn’t have anything to do with the tweet, this post still reminds me of how downhill the show has gone since John Stewart left. It’s cringe inducing.

Please let this thing stay in development hell. Please, Hollywood gods, please.

I was specifically thinking of the Republican side, re: Trump actually, but that is a fair point! Very few instances I can think of where I have seen Clinton supporters engaging in this shit.

Same here. And to be honest, I still wrestle with the fact that Annie Hall is one of my all time favorite movies, but I don’t try to justify loving that movie by saying “Well, I don’t know the people who made these allegations about him so I guess I can’t judge!” I just acknowledge that fact that horrible people can

As a TA, I hear these kind of statements from my students a lot, but I don’t see it as a big deal. They’re just using “I feel” as a replacement for “I think.” And despite what Worthan argues, it’s not impossible to correct or build upon these statements. If I can do it with less than a year of teaching experience

that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.