
You know, I work for Palestinian rights of enfranchisement and reparations, and stupid remarks like yours (to: ThereAreManyLikeItButThis) which are totally unrelated to the topic, do a disservice for those of us committed to human rights in the region. I, myself, was very moved by this documentary. She is no less

I have a big ole crush on Bobby Moynihan. A BIG ONE. He's really come into his own on SNL.

That was you?

I feel you Terrence. That's just like the time that I shot down Jon Hamm and George Clooney in the same night. They'll probably tell you it didn't happen, but I can tell when a guy orders his security to remove the sexiest bitch in the bar because he can't trust himself around her. It's hard out there for a

Baby wipes enthisiast AND WIFE BEATER Terrence Howard, you mean. Lets not forget he's a very big asshole.

...sorry, I was just trying to help!

Now playing

I will always have respect for him for this:

Totally would:

I though night cheese was something completely different. My bad.

Well, he can always move to Kentucky and run for the US Senate someday.

Yes! I try this one esp. when people become callous jerks (e.g., "I don't care about animals/like animals/they're here for us to use anyway), but it usually fails because its met by the usual deafening ignorance and lack of logic - e.g., but there's runoff from agriculture, you pollute too, why are you trying to be

Yeah, fuck poor people! That's totally what I said and nowhere is it incredibly obvious that I have a nuanced, complex stance informed by context on this issue.

Ha, thanks. Yeah, I'm waiting for those. It doesn't matter how many qualifications you add in, someone always comes at you with the "but plants feel pain too and vegans are preachy therefore it's OK for me to perpetuate this industry and meat is tasty mmmm bacon and you hate people who need to hunt to eat PLANT TEARS

You're gonna get some shitty replies because this is pretty much a red herring, but everything you say is true, so

How about they focus on banning factory farmed (before people jump me with irrational, emotional defensiveness and arguments about plants screaming and weeping plant tears of pain, I'm not saying that eating meat is ipso facto wrong, nor am I even saying that people who eat factory farmed meat are bad people -

Right, the point isn't that you have to boycott the stuff that you like—I'm not giving up any of those films either, and if I made a hardline rule to consume only 100% problem-free media I'd basically have to just sit at home in silence 24/7. I'm simply arguing that it's healthy for society if a majority of people

It's supposed to make you think about it. Just because Tolkein was sexist doesn't mean we need to make sexist movies. (In the case of the Hobbit they made up a scene with the Elf Lady so that at least ONE woman would have a speaking role.)

They're great movies, but bad at gender. You can enjoy things and also be

When I walk by the Jezebel writers in the office they throw trash at me :( :( :( I am kidding of course because they are wonderful. (Jezebel doesn't hate men, they hate inequality.)

How are you so beautiful? How are you making gray eyeshadow worn all the way around the eye work?