
Why does our society have such a hard time with the concept of "consent"? Is it because we still don't believe women are actual people, and not just livestock/property? Seriously, get it the fuck together, US.

Can I argue that introducing my fist to your face counts as free speech too, Masshole?

Now playing

I knew "Accidental Racist" would heal the nation.

Yeah, Nomi. Get it girl.

Worth its weight in gold. Excellent tool.

Can someone tell this woman to shut the fuck up? Not because she's a wife going through a divorce, but because she had tons of opportunities after the tragedy to tell people that he's violent with a violent temper and did nothing. And now because they're getting divorced she wants sympathy?
Sorry, my emotions are

Love to see the gun rights activists who offered Mr. Z a job before go ahead and step up to the plate today. What a classy guy.

I don't know if you meant to reply to me or the commenter above me, but I agree. I don't think there is anything in our DNA that makes little girls immediately respond to pink, or sparkles, or the idea of "pretty". That is reinforced every day by small interactions, and even subconscious body language from the

I can't remember wanting to be "pretty" when I was younger. I remember wanting to be powerful, and badass. My friends and I watched things like She-Ra and the Power Rangers and play fought each other. Now as a grown-ass woman who is struggling with being on the curvier side of a normal weight I wish I could go back

My cousin Claire is essentially a brunette version of Gwyneth Paltrow, right down to the fat-shaming, macrobiotic monomania and $200 cashmere socks. She gives out mini boxes of All-Bran cereal to trick-or-treaters in her fabulously wealthy Toronto neighbourhood, I shit you not.

I'm from Alaska, we take our caribou/reindeer knowledge seriously. Know how to tell the difference between a caribou and a reindeer? A reindeer has a notch missing from its ear where the hunter clipped out its tag.

Definitely moose, agreed.

That is, most definitely, a moose.

If you wanted to see pussy squashed against some glass, all you had to do was ask.

And generally, her relationship with facts.

OMG. Aliza Licht is the biggest turd. Go back to tweeting morsels about your assistant ordering the wrong cake pops for a party. The people who sued didn't ruin it for everyone. Conde Nast along with other companies (fashion and non) are to blame for abusing what an internship actually should be.

Way to crush my dream, dude.

My main takeaway from this article is that I can apparently make $15 per button if I opened a mending business catering exclusively to sad, useless kidults. SCORE.

"If I started defending lies, I would be in a constant state of defending myself — and the haters would win."