
Yeah, I was a Starbucks manager and I’ve been there many, many times. Corporate does not back you up, and people like that are usually on a mission to make your life miserable if you confront them. The least painful option is to get them in and out as quickly as you can.

I was a manager at Starbucks, and I can assure you that it is 100% not worth it to confront people like that. I tried, multiple times, and I got screamed at, reported to corporate AND they kept coming back.

Every time I walk into Michael’s I lose a few percentage points and then I have to crochet a vagina to get my score back up.

The terribleness is mitigated somewhat by the use of Nilsson’s “Perfect Day,” tho.

Yes! Love Besame!

Angelenos should get themselves over to the Besame Cosmetics home store in Burbank, where you can have a lovely session with a saleslady/owner about which one of their reasonably-priced, all-natural, beautifully-packaged LA-made lipsticks looks perfect on YOU.
p.s. I swear I do not work for them. Their products are

I managed a Starbucks in Santa Monica CA, a city known locally as the Home of the Homeless, and as trying as the large homeless population could be to someone who was just trying to maintain her compassion and humanity AND keep the bathroom free from shit explosions, the well-heeled patrons were, in the end, much,

Women in menopause say TURN UP THE AC!

I was waiting tables in a place where these parents were letting their maybe 4 year old kid run free. We asked them to make him sit at the table (“For your child’s safety, etc.”), but it didn’t work. This happened all the damn time, but not wanting confrontations, the manager always shrugged off stuff like that.


Somebody should point Swift to #solidarityisforwhitewomen.

These are the most beautifully shaped nails I’ve ever seen. Damn.

Um...any chance at all that Eisenberg was joking?

I was about to say the same thing. How can people know “To Wong Foo,” but not “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,” its vastly superior source material?

There is no more complicity in providing a health benefit to employees that they use to obtain birth control than there is in providing dollars, in a paycheck, that employees use to buy birth control.

Their argument is crap and illogical. Fuck those nuns.

Yes, and the protest was actually several blocks away. Ani and the others chase the bad guy’s getaway car away from the building where the raid took place. We know this for sure because the reporter who was covering the protest takes note of the explosion of the hide-out, and we see her POV of it as at least several

I believe the actor playing the director is Philip Moon.

I used to live in Lancaster, and I’ve most definitely seen Amish girls there wear pink.

Garlic in guacamole? No. Not okay, Mr. President.

I once had a table of two middle aged white people, dude had a pinkie ring and shiny hair, woman had a fur coat that she kept with her inside. You know the type.

The restaurant was definitely a “new cuisine” sort of place in the very expensive part of Lake Michigan-adjacent north side Chicago, but as soon as I approach