
For every customer who hissed at me for attempting to remove his empty plate before his dining companion was also finished, there is another customer who huffs at you in disgust for not removing his empty plate the second he has taken his last bite, even though his companion is also not finished.

I mean, I guess you

My dad, the year I was born. He was an atheist leftie card-carrying NAACP member and Kennedy Democrat, and he still is. Gotta love that.

You’re right. I LOVE that show, and it was fine that she was on. Simmer down, eggheads.

I listen to the show every week. Kim K did just fine on the show. Funny than the panelists? I don’t think so.

Muumuus have a yoke at the neck, caftans do not.

Nora Ephron was wrong about “Bewitched.”

I’m grateful for anyone advocating veganism, but that was a 4 minute video and not one mention of animal rights or how eating vegan is the single most effective action you can take against climate change? Okay.

I’ve been defending this show as worthwhile entertainment for years. Every once in a while, I feel vindicated.

A THREE YEAR statute of limitations??? Three years??? WTF, man.

Looks like this needs to be updated:

I watch the show, and it was very clear that Erin was communicating “Oh no, this is going to WRECK me.”

I live for Erin Andrews’s live comments on that show.

Thanks for this. A lot of people who read the NYT story of course assumed that the NYC situation was true in every city. Imagine that.

That is a statement ROSE necklace, not a magnolia.

I am living for the B3 organ sound on this track.

Yeah, I don’t get this whole notion that IKEA is a test of the stability of a relationship. It’s pretty much the same for us as going to Target or the grocery store, except we laugh at the product names more.

I live for Erin Andrew’s off the cuff remarks on DWTS.

Oh, and she lives in Venice, CA. What a huge fucking surprise.

This is a pretty good illustration of how even the people who apply for trademarks don’t really understand what trademarks are. You can’t just pee on something and have the government call it yours.

I know Adidas and Nike both do custom shoes online. You can pick your own colors from a normal palette.