
Disney should just hit the secret button that makes spider legs come out of the park and move it out of Florida entirely.

Ya know what’s funny? Watching the “Grand Ol Party of Handing Corporations Power” suddenly lose it’s mind that said corporations have all the power.

Yeah, that’s what I mean - historically, it’s hard for any 3D Mario game to top 64, but objectively, as a person in 2023 playing both games, I know which one I think is the better one.

64 is really hard for me. It was really good... in 1996. It was certainly a revolution, setting the standard for 3D platformers that continues to this day. But objectively, it’s hard for me to put it above Odyssey. Odyssey takes SO MUCH of what made 64 great and improves on almost all of it. Obviously we couldn’t have

It was tough--even the bad games are great!

1. This is the goverment running a private business’ land for them.

2. They were talking about ‘changing the programming’ that disney aired. So they thought they were getting 100% control of the company.

3. They already had that control for decades, they were being punished for speaking against a discriminatory law.

What’s even dumber is he’s going to “investigate” the move...just walk away, man. You got your “W” with your handpicked board of friends. You already took a victory lap. Just let your buds meet up for a nice dinner every once in a while, act like they’re in charge, and everyone goes about their business.


Mario’s fine. I found the voice in the trailer to work well enough. This crusade is ridiculous. Meanwhile Peach sounds absolutely NOTHING like Peach, does not act at her at all either, yet, we don’t hear a thing about it from the media.

The only reason it happens is because this guy goes to church and said some bad

What I’m talking about is that D4 (like D3 but more extremely) has a ton of effects which don’t just mindlessly buff a skill by +1 or whatever, but actually make it do different, additional things. In some cases turning bad or barely-usable skills into powerful ones. And whilst I think that’s okay with true Uniques,

I don’t know. I loved having 4 high end weapons break during a single “major test of strength” trial. Or the giant hammer that was meant to break rocks shattering after breaking 4 boulders. It’s so so realistic and not in the least bit annoyingly tedious.

I’m gonna Fuse two rocks with a log!

I guess my assumption is (especially with the 10 min reveal of Tears coming up) that Nintendo’s idea is that promoting the first game promotes the second without revealing anything new (and also potentially gives Nintendo more sales of BotW). 

I think when it comes to something like politics, particularly when it comes to the wellbeing of people, yeah, there’s no particularly good reason to respect a bigoted opinion or someone who is being nasty. And I think there’s certainly a point where media and politics intersect. No need to be polite to someone

Also I love that you think Shakespeare wasn’t “written for a wide audience”. LOL jesus. That’s special.

Haha I suppose now is the time to lose a character considering they are wiping before launch! They may need to tone him down a bit - realistically just the amount of CC he has. A person should be scared of the butcher, but it should not be an almost guaranteed death on hardcore depending on when and where he decides

This is just about the dumbest thing to complain about this game for.

I bet you are not a fan of Pokemon games. Thank you for what you do!

Hahaha...jump back into the game for a minute: the baddies respawn (at cleared checkpoints) LITERALLY as you turn the corner. Like, as you go down the street and turn the corner, and the game is done rendering that area, turn around, go back around the corner, and...the motherfuckers have already re-popped. :D

Well, at least they did the right thing and prioritized getting it into the hands of the online bot scalpers and not the gamers that waited in line in the cold to preorder.