
Say what you will, but most of this review and the one at AV Club, in spite of the glowing and faint praise respectively, makes me want to do anything but play this game.   A lot of these mechanics sound incredibly obnoxious for anyone who doesn’t have practically unlimited time on their hands.

It’s weird, but I’m the exact opposite.  I STRUGGLED through Remake, but Rebirth feels like a welcome breeze after that.  

I quit playing two weeks ago. I’m waiting for a patch to fix the awful performance mode’s upscaling. I’d play on graphics mode, but lack of proper camera-based motion blur creates a flickering effect that’s impossible to ignore. Aside from that, I just wasn’t enjoying it all that much to the point where I felt the

The novelty wore off for me at Junon, the mini-games are ass, and everywhere, they’re tedious, and I hate that they’re tied to side story, and at many times, main story progression. Most mini games are boring and half-baked, the open-world is by the numbers and uninteresting, it’s just not as good as those first

Now that the initial novelty has worn off, I think people are starting to realize that this whole game sucks in very clear structural ways that can’t be patched with updates. The convoluted nature of the combat system, the lack of actual exploration in the open world sections because they’re either super confusing (as

This sounds like something a person opposed to democracy would say....

How is that any different from any one of our tech companies handing over shit for free and on request to our own government? Take out Chinese and your statement applies 100% to the US government.

The thing is though, they made a mistake that many devs have known about for a long time: Do not nerf unless you absolutely cannot avoid it. Buff everything else if you have to, but do not nerf anything. Even if the result is identical, nerfing something gets way more negative responses than buffing things.

We’ve seen this fight already.

Welp - Can’t argue with the ‘Suicide’ description!  

Unless I’m misreading this, WB said, paraphrasing:

So let me get this straight: they just had Hogwarts Legacy, a best-selling game of 2023 that’s single-player with no microtransactions and no live-service component to it, and Suicide Squad which is a GaaS disaster (in a successful Arkham series that was single-player up to this point) that went as low as 250 players

Tonberry is in a FF game?

Well this looks like it’ll be perfect for Deck play.

Years of losing hours of progress to a program crashing on me have conditioned me to never trust autosaves in any program/game that gives me a manual save. Ever. They can tell me that the autosave is super frequent and incredibly stable and I will still manually save every 10-15 minutes if it allows me to save freely.

We should all take a moment and smile.  Games don’t often turn on our imaginations like this.  Humans can be cool.

Hopefully now they’ll be able to focus on bugs including ones introduced with patches relating to expanding servers. Biggest one right now is a glitch that takes away your weapons, but gives you infinite and instant stratagems. People are calling down dozens of mortars or concurrent lasers or air strikes, it’s insane.

As someone who has actually worked retail and read everything you just said, I just have one simple question for you...

I think when 6 and 7 are both in the top 3, it’s hard to argue with their placing.

There’s a wide gap between “linear plot” i.e., you only have options for the plot happening in X, Y, Z order, and what this game was, which was literally running in a straight line.