
I don’t care that it hasn’t followed the games exactly, but it’s a good thing this show has had (and hopefully still has) the support of Showtime/Paramount. Because taking two full seasons to just arrive at a titular Halo is excessive and quite the risk. Hopefully it means the 3rd season, if there is one, will be a

Wow, really? That really is the exact opposite. Remake passed quickly for me while I struggle to even turn on my PS5 to play Rebirth. That’s how it goes with entertainment products I guess. Glad you like it!  I just hope I can finish :)

There’s a lot of walking in Dragon’s Dogma 2, and usually, after reaching your destination, you’ll need to walk back.

In my opinion, they’re a welcome break from the main gameplay. A lot of them are well done and fun to play.

Nah, it is just bad game design. Pointless time wasters added to pad out the play time to justify the cost of splitting one game into three.  

I’m struggling to make progress in this game in general. There is just too much padding and damn mini games everywhere. I’m down to playing an hour or so every couple of days.

Completely beside the point.

I bounced off X pretty early. It somehow manages to be both very linear and completely directionless at times. Which is quite a feat. Several times early on I found myself in a town or on a ship with no direction as to what to do next. So I’d walk around trying to find out how to trigger the next step.  

I bought it for use on my Steam Deck. Seems to run well so far. The only issue I’ve seen is if you try to use the Deck’s native resolution (1280x800) it sets the frame rate to 90 with no option to set it lower. And, for some reason, this causes all the other settings to default to their lowest settings.  But if you

I assume the money for the fight is good because this otherwise this seems like a no-win situation for Paul. If he wins all he did is beat yet another fighter past him prime. And in this case waaaaaay past his prime. If he loses he will then be known as the wannabe fighter that lost to a 58 year old fighter waaaaaay

I think they are mad because they view the title itself as the spoiler. IMO, they are overreacting, but I’m pretty sure that is the issue.

Yeah, yeah, I’m sure you represent the pinnacle of taste.  

That is my quandary as well. The game is gorgeous and undoubtedly well made. The main sequence story stuff is great plus I loved Remake. The padding in Rebirth is excessive and as a result the game misses the mark a bit for me. I’ll finish the game as I plan to see this whole thing out.  I just hope the final part

I’m just in Junon and I’m already sick of mini-games. I think I’m to the point where I’m just going to ignore all optional side quests and try to complete the main quest line. This game just has way too much pointless fluff and way too much of that fluff is damn mini-games.

Sounds like a lot of PR nonsense.

Thanks. I didn’t know about this game, but I will be checking it out now. I LOVED when the vehicular combat genre was a thing with TM2 and Critical Depth probably being my all-time favorites. 

Aspyr accidentally uploaded the “Tomb Raider I-III Remaster Intergrade” version to the Epic Games store too early.

They may already have Rebirth so the inclusion isn’t surprising.

Vendors visit all the time.  This isn’t the scandal you seem to think it is.

What you describe is pretty much what most gamers interested in a BF spin-off wanted. All they had to do was take BF, remove the AC components, add more pirated related stories/activities, and update a few mechanics. That is what fans of BF made clear they wanted the whole time. I’d have bought that game at