
I imagine there was a lengthy, in-house consultation with both HR and their legal team, as well as time spent on the outreach described in order to accurately calibrate both their legal exposure and the scope of the issues faced by their content creators. And then policy needed to be drafted, evaluated, and announced.

It’s not rearranging to put something back where it belongs. He’s not asking them to move it somewhere else, just to put it back in the spot it’s supposed to be in. Conceivably, someone could move things around more than that I suppose, but that’s not what’s being asked of them.

LOL How very sanctimonious of you. When is your timeslot on Fox News so I can be sure not to tune in?

All the “THIS IS CAPITALIST EXPLOITATION” responses really scream “i just want to complain and feel good without materially improving anything” when this guy is literally making a product specifically created as as a means to consume ethically.

not really. He didnt say “go forth and do this i command thee”. He just said “hey if you see this stuff messed up, could you help out”. You all are making a mountain out of a mole hill and hating on a guy who really doesn’t do anything harmful

With the right prompts you can make Midjourney spit out recognizable pieces of what it was trained on. Give it text, logos, graphics, and things get weird and revealing.

Hey, disabled gamer here - thanks for acknowledging the difference! Nothing about this game is “accessible” - heck, I’d go so far as to say that soulslikes in general (or at a minimum, the FromSoft collection) have anti-accessibility as a feature. Perfect input timing, endless head-against-the-wall repetition, and the

“If it was titled “Our 20 favourite video games of all time”, nobody would be giving them shit.”

For the uninitiated, this is more evidence to consider that—when push comes to shove—Capitalism will always side with the regressive/Right regeimes when it comes to business.

There’s no persistence in a MOBA. Your in-match progression is reset as soon as the match ends. In addition, there are no NPCs, no quests, no exploration, no story, no dialogue trees, no skill checks, etc.

“Competitive action RPG Dota 2?” That’s the first time I’ve heard a MOBA referred to as an action RPG. Think we’re stretching the definition of RPG a bit here.

Damn right. Anyone I lose to has to be cheating.

At least the ones who beat me do.

Yep, it’s definitely NOT an overstatement. I had an 86 year great aunt that knew what angry birds was, and she played with a niece of mine that was 7 at the time - and the only other game she knew about and played was Wii Sports.

it’s not. “angry birds” was easily the most prominent of the original mobile gaming phenomenon and was intrinsically tied to the early generations of iphones. it’s one of the most significant video games released this century.

Understating, if anything. The Angry Birds Movie made 350 million dollars. It’s almost undoubtedly the single most culturally impactful purely mobile game ever.

It’s not.

Megaman minecraft dropped out of nowhere yesterday and you’re still milking the harry potter teat? This website really is incapable of beating more than one horse to death at a time

Why is Olimar in it then? Or Bayonetta? Those games have some fans, and have sold some copies, nowhere near Chief and Halo.

Put a Warthog in Mario Kart 8! (edit: although saying that makes me realize a Ghost would fit right in much better.)