
I got bored with the game and stopped well short of that.  I just found it way too tedious.

I liked it more than at least 3/4 of this list, but Kotaku will never put it on any “best of” list for the non-gaming reasons discussed here many times.

I think it’s partly because they quit competing in terms hardware power. So these days the big third party titles are often absent. So you pretty much have to go with Sony/MS/PC to get those games. Then if you love Nintendo’s 1st party stuff you buy their system. So it’s rarely an either/or decision for a lot of

I’ll always take a gift card.   Especially if it is for a digital gaming store. 

Fair enough.

You know nothing about me and are accusing me of just trying to feel like I’m part of an ‘in group’ while you simultaneously try to put yourself on some pedestal above other gamers. You’re a joke.  

OK, kid. 

I only see you making this claim.

How did you arrive at this conclusion?  

The two tone matte/gloss finish for the white panels is an odd design choice.  Not a fan of that.  

One thing I don’t understand is why would a worn down socket work in the up position? If the issue is tightness then it seems like a worn socket should get more loose over time and thus only have a chance to work pressed down.  

They slide into the front of the system, and then the user has to press the cartridge down so its brass-plated nickel connectors hit the cartridge slot’s connector pins

This guy in particular has been scummy with his “reaction” videos. Half the time he barely pays attention. There was an incident fairly recently where he walked out of the room during a reaction video and just kept recording for several minutes. Literally just playing a other creator’s content and adding nothing.

Yes! He’s been there a few years now. Kind of a wild coincidence, huh?

I replay games quite regularly, but there is usually a generational gap. For some reason I don’t tend replay games from the previous generation all that much. I don’t even replay most games of the current gen very often.  Most are once through and done. But a generation or two down the road I start to get the itch to

It all started because they didn’t want to have an “XBox 2” while Sony had the PS3. Companies can get weird about having the “smaller” number. It’s the same reason why Samsung went from the Galaxy 10 to 21. They didn’t want to be behind Apple’s numbering any longer.

I think Switch 2 is fine.  It has worked for the PlayStation and is what MS should have been doing all along.   The “2” makes it clear that this is the successor unlike “U” which was just ambiguous.

That cut scene reminds me of the 27 years old Beast Wars cartoon.

Same. My plan is to give it another shot when the first major expansion releases. I doubt I’ll go back for Season 2. Maybe if one of my friends jumps back in and asks me to play, otherwise I’ll wait.

Sounds great. Unfortunately I doubt I could tempt my friend back in. We played 0n a XBox so we would have to get it again on PC. I don’t see my friend buying the game a second time unless we can get it very cheap.