
Yeah, it sucks. I got one of my friends to buy Elden Ring. I’ve been playing the souls games since Demon’s Souls and my friend generally has similar tastes, but he hadn’t played any of the Souls games. So I hoped co-op ER would be a good way to get him into the games. What a mistake that was.

Just reposting this here since Squid did his usual cowardly move of dismissing replies to his nonsense.

Squid is a resident troll.  He’s just looking to manufacture some faux controversy so he can post some stupid meme pics. Just ignore his dumb ass.

Assuming they keep the option to use your own AAs. I don’t see that indicated. And, sure, plenty of people will say they prefer the built in option like the PS controllers, but those same people will turn around and complain about the piss poor battery life. The last of gens the PS controllers haven’t come close to l

I’m all for making things fit on typical shelving, but stacking electronics is generally not recommended.  

It’s literally just a collection of sort options. No reason at all it wouldn’t work on a controller.

Nah, I think I’ve decided on Castle Assault.  Sounds cool. I’m sure you would agree being so cool and smart yourself.

It looks like the kind of vehicle I’d sketch as a young kid in school because I had limited artistic talent.  

Following the identification of Dunbar and Giaume, the board game Castle Assault was review-bombed.

Oh, wow,  what a dumb fucking cop out of a response.  

I don’t recall, but I’m also not typically a completionist type player. Oblivion can be completed in 30-ish hours. Even doing most of the side content wouldn’t get you to 100 hours. For pretty much any game with main and side content I’ll start with a mix of both then eventually switch to main when I start to game

That’s why I said “mostly”. I don’t think any of those bugs were particularly common. It’s anecdotal, but I never saw any of those nor knew anyone that did.    

Nonsense. I enjoyed all the games out of the gate and have only rarely messed with mods. And the mods I did mess with were graphical enhancements or added things to games. I have never used a mod to fix anything I felt was broken nor have I ever used a mod on a Bethesda game on my first play through.

(1) I don’t care if you are on a hype bandwagon. (2) Why would you play a game you don’t like? (3) If you are admitting you don’t know if the game is good, but are out here knocking it or Bethesda ahead of time and might still play it (as you just said) then you are, in fact, just posturing as I said.

Starfield itself aside do you think we could ever get to the point where pre-orders no longer exist? To me it seems unlikely since it should effectively cost nothing to offer pre-orders. So I don’t see how publishers can ever lose out by offering them.

I’m half kidding, but also half serious. Like when gamers are going to boycott a game or something. It rarely, if ever, pans out. So when I see a whole comment section full of people claiming they aren’t going to play a game from a traditionally popular developer I don’t buy it. Many will. I’m guilty of the same

It’s mostly posturing. These clowns are going to play the games and they know it.

Yes. I think that kind of functionality is the only thing that could make a product like this viable. It would need to function like the Wii U or be handheld that can play games locally while also offering streaming capability. I think a dedicated streaming device like this will be a niche product at best if it

Imagine this thing having the capability to be standard controller and also being able to do things like browse the dash, friend list, work with parties, etc… without having to bring up the dash over your game. Then also allow games to access it and show extra information.  That on top of working as a remote

Yeah, the camo isn’t my thing, but they do seem pretty popular so I guess it makes sense they would release skins to match their controller options.  But going forward I hope we see some other designs.  Particularly more skins themed after other games.  Halo is likely a given in the near future, but I would like to