
I think Alpha 3 Max is my personal favorite. Ranking fighters is always bit tricky because I think you have at least two distinct groups. Like you I’ve always kept up with the series, but only as a casual player. Then you have the pros/ranked match players. They’ll have a different set of criteria for ranking. 

It’s my favorite.

I agree, the only way this works is if the woman are rated on a curve and, yes, that does go against the idea of a sim. But that might not be a fight worth fighting for EA in this case.  We’ll see.  Maybe this will backfire?  

I don’t think any of that would matter. We’re still talking about the best women in the world being soundly beaten by literal boys teams. Or, in the case of the Wrexham match, we’re talking about men that played in the 5th division in England (where there is vastly less money) absolutely annihilating women that

It’s not really a question. The USWNT has played boys teams and been smoked on multiple occasions in addition to the Wrexham match played recently. But this is a game so it doesn’t have to stick to real life.

10-20 years from now consoles will be dead. Already consoles are just glorified PCs compared to what they were 10-20 years ago.

This is delusional at best. In 10-20 years we’ll have one major console and all the games for said console will mostly come from that one company.

But that is the crux of the article. It is possible to store and distribute any game. The problem is the industry is largely uninterested in doing so outside of a relative handful of mostly higher profile titles. Which means that unless you are willing to go the piracy route you are left hunting hunting the

The ESA also says the industry is doing plenty to keep classic games in release, pointing to this thriving reissue market.

It’s called the internet. Where game collections are constantly uploaded and shared.

Tough one. I probably spent the most time with the Genesis. I played so many games on that system growing up.  

Maybe. But D4 is a much better game at launch than D3 was. It also has much less controversy and has had a fairly smooth launch. Everything about D3 was a mess at launch. I fully expect D4 to be the better game in the long run. Though, IMO, D2 is still king.

Boring? Maybe in the sense that it is a simple QoL change and not change in how they function. But tedious? Nah. Nothing tedious about this. It’s quite the opposite. It makes thing less tedious by removing the need to shuffle them around in your inventory and stash.

-little baby Priest of Maiden

LOL.  Did you seriously dismiss my perfectly reasonable reply?  

Not shocking at all, this isn’t a new thing. Lag has been killing hardcore players since Diablo 2. Hardcore & online just don’t go together.

It’s mostly about the challenge. Softcore is about balls to the wall DPS at the expense of being a bit more squishy. Hardcore is balancing act between DPS and survivability. Some people just like that feeling of living on the edge of disaster. IMO it does make accomplishments in the game feel more satisfying.

They honestly no longer feel like FF to me. They haven’t for a few iterations now. They still have some recognizable enemies and summons, but it’s sort of the same difference between Halo and Halo Wars. Same IP, but the latter in no way feels the same as the former.  I’ve bounced hard off the last couple of games.

Nah, it was a fun movie. 

Agree completely. I loved BotW at the time, but over time the shine has worn off and now TotK just isn’t hitting the same. It feels so tedious to play. The 4 temples are good, but the rest just feels like padding and I’ve lost interest. Now that DIV and SF6 have hit I’ve stopped playing TotK and I’m not sure I’ll