
Not sure. IMO those “cookie cutter” super yachts at least look different than other boats. This just looks like a smaller sail boat made bigger.

Same. I’m sure it’s more impressive in person, but I find it decidedly boring in the video.

Yeah, Hogsmeade is good, but then every other little hamlet looks like they just copied the same few houses over and over. Same with all the little caves with loot chests. The same basic design over and over. A like Skyrim in that regard where all the underground areas and crypts looked the same.

It’s a solid open world game. Gets a little repetitive by the end as these type of games often do. The combat is generally enjoyable, but I found the enemies to be overly tanky so larger fights could be tiresome. The art direction is generally great with a lot of detail everywhere.  Hogwarts itself is amazing.

Well, yes, that is kind of the point of rental and streaming services. The more important question is how the revenue compares for companies that put games on the service.

So you are playing the ignorance card too. Great. The point I’m making is I guarantee you that in any of these products where hundreds of people are involved it is all but an absolute certainty there is someone in there with whom you disagree. But you guys are basically claiming ignorance as your excuse to not have

Probably helps if you are a demigod.

No, I get it. I just see it as the arbitrary line it is. As the article states your efforts are better spent elsewhere rather than worrying about which product produced by hundreds of people might benefit someone you don’t like.

And you are still missing the point:

You seem to be missing the point. If the line is “I don’t want to support a product that will benefit someone that has views I don’t agree with” then what can you actually buy? Farmer market produce (maybe)?  The best you can do is keep your head in the sand and not dig into the details of any company and claim

Nah, other than the battery life they are great.  I wish the XBox controllers had some of the same features.

I think some of those battery packs have low capacity and/or are possibly lower than they claim to be. Because I’ve had the same experience with them.  They don’t last nearly as long as AA batteries and I’ve had more than one over the years become virtually useless after about a year.  I’ve quit using them.  Now I

Not sure I buy the stuck throttle excuse. I’d wager they put it in the wrong gear and when it went backwards instead of forwards they panicked and hit the gas instead of the brake.

You can’t win with gamers. And some games in particular attract awful fan bases.  And, yes, gamers will use well meaning emotes as sarcastically as possible.  Play a game like Rocket League, where there is a massive concentration of complete assholes, and you’ll see a non-stop stream of emotes like “Nice save” used

Calling shared universe superhero movies “spin-offs” is a little questionable.  Also, Prey was good, but I’ll take Predator over it any day.  Prey was the best since then.

Oddly enough they do limit by stream. Their different tiers allow differing numbers of concurrent streams.  But it seems that isn’t good enough for them as they now want to limit by streams AND how those streams are used.

You happy now?  We all know what he means.

I guess only for games that don’t have that option.  Which is few these.  I always turn down the BGM.   Depends on how loud it is, but I’d say I usually turn it down to 50-60%.

Yeah, just quit your job.  What could go wrong?

Same. Never cared about it. My friends and I did give it a shot briefly, but we all lost interest after only a couple of sessions.